Joining the 2nd yr

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by daniv, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member


    I am joining the 2nd yr! My boys turned 1 more than a week ago but I have been busy and forgot all about 2nd yr. I am really struggling with changing the boys over to regular milk. One is fine with it most of the time but at night he still refuses to drink it. The other is NOT ready for it at all. He cries each time I give it to him. I have been trying for the last month or so to introduce it to them but they would not drink it. Anyone else experience the same issue? Is this normal? I don't really remember my DD having this problem but she was at daycare all day and I just remember her not wanting to take a bottle before she became a year old. She wanted to be like the older kids. Any suggestions? I am just planning to keep trying every day.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :welcome: to the SY! Definitely keep trying every day. I am not sure if this will help you (not sure if you BF or FF) but to transition mine to milk, we started with half formula and half milk and once they would drink it, we'd reduced the formula by ounce until eventually they were drinking all milk. I think it took us close to 3 weeks to get to all milk. What you are going through is definitely not unusual. :hug:
  3. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    thanks. I tried mixing it with the formula but they threw up. That was in the beginning I will try again.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh, I am sorry to hear that :( Someone also suggested to me to try a little flavoring in milk, like a hint of strawberry syrup, maybe that might help you out. Keep us posted!
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to say :welcome: ! Sorry I can't help you with the milk situation. Both of mine took to it pretty well. Good Luck with the transition though.
  6. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    I'd start out with just one ounce of milk and the rest formula. Then go to two ounces a few days later, and so on. Eventually you'll be switched over and they won't even know.
  7. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Welcome to SY! Sorry you are having a rough time with the milk transition. I had to switch to milk very slowly with my girls because they started puking when I tried cold-turkey. It took almost 3 months but they were finally on all milk by 15 months. GL and I wish I had better news for you. :hug:
  8. anicakes

    anicakes Well-Known Member

    Hi Dani! Good to see you have some good suggestions with the transition to milk. I just used to mix formula with milk and gradually increase milk and decrease formula. Hang in there!
  9. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :bday: to your babies!

    I agree with the pp's - slowly working in a small amount of milk with their formula would probably work best. I've heard a lot of people have had great success with that method. We switched our boys to rice milk (soy and milk allergies) and they had no problems, so I can't help much. Sorry!
  10. daniv

    daniv Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to let you know that we have a successful transition to milk. We had to warm it a little before they would take it. So now I am slowly getting it colder. Also trying to phase out the bottles. They don't want a sippy before bed. Thanks for all the advice.
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