Jeep Wrangler SBS Stroller

Discussion in 'General' started by becasquared, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This stroller was as awesome as an umbrella stroller could be. Keep in mind I had two of these, starting in 2007 and I bought our second on in 2009. (I gave our first one away to someone who needed it when we were moving cross country. Then I shipped our second one to RollerGiraffe since it's not available in Canada.)

    Mesh seats (or they could be covered with the foam seat covers) come in very handy in a state like Florida.
    Small profile both open and closed
    Low to the ground so the kids could climb up.
    Right around $100-$125.
    My two were still using it when they were three. Each seat can hold up to 35 pounds.
    Each seat also reclined.

    Shades sucked. They didn't cover up the kids, and didn't stay on the stroller, not a deal breaker for me though.
    I'm really tall and I kicked the back of the stroller constantly. (I kick the backs of shopping carts if I'm not careful though.)
    Didn't go through sand, but grass was okay.
    No storage or cupholders, but that's an umbrella stroller for you.
    Not available in Canada (I'm looking at you RollerGiraffe!)
    The foot rest is rubber and broke on our second stroller, but did not break on our first.
    It has the potential to tip over if you put heavy bags on the handles.
  2. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    Ditto to all Bex said.

    I loved this umbrella stroller.
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I had this one, too, and I loved it. Used it for quick trips on the mall or out and about. As Bex said, shades sucked and no storage, but it was a great stroller
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