Jeep Twin Umbrella Stroller

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nina3, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. nina3

    nina3 Well-Known Member

    For those with the Kolcraft Jeep Twin Umbrella stroller, I've read reviews stating that it fits through doorways and some reviews stating that it does not? What is the standard width of a doorway? Also, did you just manage by going through a double door or handicap public restrooms? I'm trying to figure out if I should purchase this or not?

  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My complaints about my Jeep sbs
    A) it "fits" thru doors but you have to hit the door just right
    B)no storage space
    C) I've had it since October and its rusting! I don't go in the grass with it but have used it when its raining

    I like it because
    A) it's light
    B) it folds down really small
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Totally agree with TabbiSue...we bought this stroller right after bringing home the boys and have used it about 5 times. Here's why:

    *The kids couldn't even be in it safely until about 4-5 months.
    *Although the manual states it fits through standard doorways, it should be ammended to include the following clause preceeding that statement, stick of butter required to.... :rolleyes:
    *Not recommended for anything other than paved pathways/sidewalks.
    *Completely useless while shopping b/c you can't navigate through clothing racks. Also, b/c of no storage, you have to push/pull a cart as well.
    *The stupid sun visors pop off EVERY time I fold this stroller up.

    I do think this is a great, inexpensive stroller if you're doing some airport travel and need something you're not going to cry about when it breakes from the airport gorillas handling it on/off the plane. It is also very lightweight.

    Bottom line: you get what you pay for!
  4. beachdi

    beachdi Member


    I just posted a reply to the traveling with the stroller question, but here is my 2 cents.

    We love our Jeep SBS stroller. Maybe because I shop alot without my husband or friends...
    I do agree with the other moms about;
    1. It does fit thru doorways, but you have to hit the door correctly. By this I mean you need to look at the front wheels. They rotate to allow for easy maneuverability, sooo, it they are turned out slightly, they will bump the side of the door. The wheels must be facing forward, so usually this means backing up a little bit, and angling slightly. I actually have gotten use to it.
    2. No storage. the side pouches do hold 1 sippy cup each, and some wipes. When I am shopping, i can usally drape the clothes across the back part of the stroller, above the babies heads. When I have too much I just drop it off with the cashier and my stuff is waiting for me. Once purchased, I have a store employee help me carry the bags out to the car. Somebody is always willing to get some fresh air!
    3. We use this on the street, malls and down our sandy streets. I live 5 blocks from the beach and our stroller is 2 years old and it is not rusty. Sometimes it sits on the front porch, other times it is in the minivan. When at our local park, which is a natural type park underneath oak trees, I pull it backwards for better movement. I am not saying that is goes off road easy, but it definitely is not for the soft sand beach.
    4. LOVE that I can hold 1 baby/toddler in 1 arm, then colllapse it and put it in the minivan with the other arm and 1 foot.

    We went thru the tandem front/back type stroller, and the infamous baby trend triple stroller when the babies were under 6 months. I also have been thru 2 double jogging strollers.

    hope this helps. check consignment shops, often...leave your name with them and tell them what product you are looking for. This way you don't spend a ton of money on the product and won't be upset when it doesn't work out.

    Dianne C.
  5. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    I had this stroller. Tabi can probably remember the hassle I had with it at the zoo. I did not fit thru the doorways. It doesn't make tight turns well either. If you are going to only get one stroller, get a tandem one. The seats on the sbs do not recline very far for napping either. If you still need a lighter weight, smaller stroller for any reason get two umbrella strollers and buy an adapter that will connect the strollers like a sbs. It is much cheaper and more versatile.
  6. nina3

    nina3 Well-Known Member

    I truly appreciate all the helpful replies!!! I, too like the fact that it is light-weight. I have the Valco Twin Runabout and it is so heavy but overall a great stroller. I'm looking for something that is inexpensive since I'm not sure how much longer my boys will be in it. I think the Jeep Twin is good for what little expectations I have, LOL. I will use it mainly for mall shopping trips and definitely check out resale options. Thanks again everyone!
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