january 2010 twins

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by scorpiogirl, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. scorpiogirl

    scorpiogirl New Member

    im due january 28 with twins im pretty scared for whats to come and how my life is going to change i worry that i wont be able to do it i am just so full of questions my head is about to explode i just found this site so im hoping that i will find alot of them on here thank you i look forward to meeting other women on this site
  2. maxi37

    maxi37 New Member

    Hi! I am due January 11th with twins. I feel the same way you do; I am so excited but nervous at the same time. My husband will be a huge help but you are right, life as we know it is going to change! :D How are you feeling these days with your pregancy? I am about 15 weeks and am still really tired and my legs are starting to hurt. It's great to have found this site to be able to relate to others that are pregnant with twins!
  3. scorpiogirl

    scorpiogirl New Member

    im 12 weeks tomarrow im not as sick no more but still get food adversions ugh.i get another ultrasound on the 22nd i can not wait to see my babies i miss seeing them. do you feel your babies yet?if you do when did you start feeling them?im glad you responded, are you hoping to give birth or c section?i hope i get to deliver them natural i dont like surgery but ill do what i gotta do lol
  4. brynclaire

    brynclaire Member

    Hi I am due Jan 25th and is 12 weeks 5 days. I am scared also but exicted. This is my first pregnancy so don't know really what to expect with babies and all. My husband is mostly worried about how many diapers and wipes we are going to go through. I get my next ultrasound on the 31st and then weekly after that. My doctor is monitoring my cervix due to a procudere I had about 6 years ago. Sickness is finally going away but leg cramps are here. Hope all is going well
  5. howdy. first post!

    my wife is due feb 16th, but we have been warned that we could be late jan 2010 or early feb 2010, so im using the flat palm tilting from side to side and saying aloud "january/feburary 2010" and im sticking to it!

    we found out at 6 weeks @ the ER after my wife was suffering from some spotting, morning sickness, and pretty severe dehydration brought on by her morning sickness (vomiting, low appetite, inability to keep even water down).
    the ultrasound was a pretty interesting experience that has changed priorities pretty quickly in our household.

    common sense and logic will hopefully shut up the damn worry, assumptions and anxiousness. hopefully.
  6. Emonte03

    Emonte03 New Member

    Hi there -
    I am only 7 weeks along, so we're expecting a March birth - but, that would be if I carried the full 40 weeks. I am guessing late Feb or 1st week of March. I share a lot of the same anxieties as you all do. I have a fantastic husband who has been fabulous with our first born son (currently 19 months old)...so I know I will have a lot of love and support from him. But, I am nervous about the possibility of a c-section, about continuing to work (right now I am full time), about how this will affect my son (will he end up neglected because of the demands of the new babies), will I carry these babies well...and on and on and on! It's a lot to take in, that is for sure.

    I do know we will love these little babies as much as we love our son (which seems just endless)...but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit nervous and scared.

    Thanks for being there for the support and for sharing your thoughts! It's nice to have a place to go talk to others in my shoes!
  7. snoopysnocone

    snoopysnocone New Member

    I'm due Jan. 9th. We will be first time parents so having twins will be trial by fire.

    I started a pregnancy blog in case you're so inclined to visit it:

    Eating for 3

    I'm interested in finding twin parents due around the same time in the Bay Area (particularly Silicon Valley or the Peninsula).
    kmikulis at gmail dot com
  8. kellmcguire

    kellmcguire Well-Known Member

    I'm due Jan. 5 but fully expect to deliver before Christmas! I'll be 18 weeks on Tuesday. I'm over nausea and finally getting my appetite back, but I'm still tired and my belly feels very "heavy." My OB says my uterus is big and thinks they are big already.

    I have to say I'll still adjusting to the idea that there are two in there. I have a DD, age 7, and this is totally different this time around for a variety of reasons. I'm not as excited -- more scared at the idea of 2 and wondering how I will do it all with one already in this house. I have a big ultrasound this week, so I'm hoping they can tell us the gender. I think if I know what they are I might bond better and start to adjust more. Right now it's all so vague, seems so far away, yet physically I am definitely feeling the effects. My first pregnancy was such a breeze, so easy. This is definitely more difficult.
  9. spencersgirl

    spencersgirl Active Member

    I'm due Jan 24th but since I have to have a repeat C-section I wont be allowed to go past 38 weeks. I have a almost 3 yr old boy and I'm worried about having time to spend with him and the twins. I guess I'm just plain terrified of having twins.
  10. juliaxnhuang

    juliaxnhuang New Member

    I am due Jan.26, just got my 19 weeks ultra sound, they are girls!
    Now we have to think about names...but it seems that none of the girls name are really attractive to me....
  11. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I'm due Jan 28, too. I really just started to feel the babies moving yesterday and today! It freaked me out a little. My belly is growing and I've seen the ultrasounds but to feel them... holy cow, there really are babies in there!
  12. Goose

    Goose Member

    Hello Ladies, I am due January 29th with twin girls. We are really excited. This is not my first pregnancy. We have 3 children, ages 6,3.5 and 2. We wanted to even our family up with 4 kids and instead, we are doubly blessed. So far I am feeling really good, besides the normal aches and pains in the evening time after a full day of hauling my children around. I am trying really hard to watch my weight, and it just doesn't seem to work. I am interested in what is normal weigt gain for 19/20 weeks. So far I have gained approx. 15 pounds. I have been working out, or should I say swimming 4 days a week and trying to walk the rest. So far, my babies were 8 oz at 18 weeks. I can't wait to chat and share stories.

  13. mitmit

    mitmit Member

    :welcome: Hey, I am due Jan 6th with identical twin boys, still have some morning sickness, I have lost weight but slowly started to gain it back but I am still down 5-9 lbs as of a week ago(my weight fluctuates 200 at 20 weeks and 196 again at 21 weeks) I am 23 weeks today...if you have any questions I will tryto help but this my first pregnancy and I am on a curious new adventure just like you
  14. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I'm about 20 weeks and I've gained almost 15 lbs so far. That doesn't seem bad to me but I'm no expert!
  15. MSB1203

    MSB1203 Well-Known Member

    Well I'm not having twins this time, but I'd love to get to join in the chat with you gals. I'm due with a singleton on January 5th, another little girl. I have twins girls that were born on Jan. 27th, 2006 (but originally due on Feb. 25th.) :)
  16. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    My due date is Jan 24 and I'll be having two girls. I wrote a similar message in another topic, but I think this is the one most people come to visit so I'll post it again. I'm worrying a lot about preterm labour, but after browsing through this forum I reckon most twin pregnancies last up till after 30 weeks.
  17. kimjackson

    kimjackson New Member

    Well, this is my first time, but I wanted to introduce myself...I am due with twin girls on Jan 29th. I have 3 boys ages 9,7, and 2 in Dec. Feeling pretty good...not getting sick anymore...that stopped at about 17 weeks (whew). I am just feeling really heavy. I have u/s every 2 weeks and have from the start. I have them at each appt, so I am sure that soon it will be weekly. Hope you are feeling good....I guess we need to enjoy this as much as we can now...life will be a changin soon!!! Cant wait to meet my girls!
  18. jeansteel2662

    jeansteel2662 New Member

    Hi Everyone! I'm due Jan. 11th with twins. These will be our first. A boy and a girl. We're very excited and nervous at the same time. Just been told no more commuting to the city. So will be working from home going forward.
  19. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I worry about that, too. We are all coming up to the big 24 week milestone. I always wonder if I should call the doctor with every little twinge or cramp that I get these days. Of course, I want them to stay put as long as possible but I'll start feeling a little better once I hit "viability" I think. Nobody wants their babies to come early but we at least need to get far enough that they have a chance!

    My sister-in-law has 5 1/2 year old quads that were born at 30 weeks 6 days. One just got glasses but other than that, they are all fine. Every day we make it is another blessing!
  20. wookiebec

    wookiebec Active Member

    Due Feb 9th, doc said no later than Jan 19th
  21. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    How are you all doing, ladies? I'm almost 30 weeks now and as SnowPumpkin predicted a bit more relaxed than back in September when I wrote my previous post. I hope my girls are staying put at least until the end of December. I have a gyn/OB appointment next Monday and I'm curious about their progress. Last time, at 26 weeks, they were estimated about one kilo each already! I was so proud of them.
  22. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Hi! I'm 29 weeks now and starting to feel more confident that they will stay put. :) I just had an ultrasound and they are both 3 lbs now.

    How are your bellies?? I'm measuring 38 weeks but everyone keeps telling me that I'm still small looking, or at least not big enough for twins. I don't think they realize that I have two more months to go still! Once I look 50 weeks pregnant, I'm sure they won't think that anymore.
  23. spencersgirl

    spencersgirl Active Member

    I'm 29 1/2 weeks now. I was thrilled to make it to 28 weeks but now I really want them to stay in there until the end of December. I'm really Jealous of you girls that are getting weight estimates. So far all they have told me at my monthly ultrasounds is that both my girls are measuring right on target for their gestational age.
    As for the size of my belly. I think I'm huge but everyone else tells me that I don't look like I'm having twins.
  24. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    They don't volunteer the info on their own so I always make a point to ask at the end of the ultrasound and they always tell me.
  25. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you're both doing fine. I don't know how many weeks I'm measuring, but people -unaware of me carrying twins- keep thinking I'm about to give birth.

    My doctor always spontaneously gives me a weight estimate. Lucky me then. I'm so curious about Monday.
  26. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    I got that today at church but people that know it's twins keep asking if I'm sure there are two in there. I look like I'm about to give birth to one baby. Over the next two months is when I'll start to look like a brood mare, I guess.

    So how are you girls doing in general? Still working? Anyone on bedrest? Any PTL issues? I'm still working full-time. I asked the doctor on Wednesday when I should stop working and she told me that I could work until I gave birth... Not particularly what I wanted to hear! As I said above, I'm pretty much measuring full-term for a singleton so from here on out, it's going to get pretty tough.
  27. Anneke

    Anneke Well-Known Member

    Me too! Well, I used to hear it often up till two weeks ago. I'm starting to think I have "very pregnant with twins" written all over me.

    I'm still working full-time (90%, actually) too. The last few days have been really tough for me. It's like I have to continuously push myself. My doctor told me it wasn't necessary to quit working yet, but he gave me a sick note anyway. I haven't used it, though. I was planning to stop in week 32 (November 29nd) and this and next week will be sooooo busy because I want to finish and pass on a few things before I leave. Not sure what to do...
  28. Goose

    Goose Member

    Hello Ladies, It has been a while since I posted. I am currently 30 weeks and 1 day with my little girls. I am getting so excited to meet them but hoping they stay put until at least the first week into January. Just to update from my last post at 20 weeks, I am doing well. I was told that my cervix shortened at 24 weeks to a 2.7 They kept a close eye on me and so far as of my 28.5 week checkup there has been no change. This is good. I am not on bedrest but told to try and take it easy as much as I can. With three little ones at home, that is tough to do. At my last growth scan a t 26 weeks, the babies weighed 2.1 pounds and 2 pounds even. My bellie measured a full term 40 weeks at 28.5 weeks. I go in for my next growth scan on Tuesday and can't wait to see how big they have gotten. I am starting to slow down a little and realizing that if I do too much, my body can't move in the evening. All in all, I feel good and am hoping it continues to be a positive feeling till the end.

    I was so concerned for a while about Pre term Labor and delivering early.......Now, I am afraid I will be 38 weeks and begging them to come out. Hope you are all well and I will post the babies weights after my next scan.
  29. Meg_Meg

    Meg_Meg Well-Known Member

    Any Jan momma's left?
  30. Meg_Meg

    Meg_Meg Well-Known Member

  31. Kristin N

    Kristin N Well-Known Member

    I'm still here...any changes with you meg?
  32. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    The baby seems quite happy where he or she is!
  33. Meg_Meg

    Meg_Meg Well-Known Member

    Oh good! I was starting to feel lonely :) Nothing new, wondering if I'll make it to the next growth scan on Wednesday.
  34. Meg_Meg

    Meg_Meg Well-Known Member

    Was feeling lonely :)
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