I've never had this "problem" before :)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by slugrad1998, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Well, my new one is here and nursing is going great! She is a pro and has known exactly what to do from her first feed. [​IMG] Of course, momma is quite tired since she likes to cluster feed in the wee hours, but that's to be expected! My biggest issue is that my milk has come in like crazy! 48 hrs after my C/S i was getting engorged and by last night she was gulping and milk is just flying out! I'm debating whether i use this to my advantage and pump a ton to store since I will be eventually going back to work or let it equilibrate. I'd love to build up a great freezer stash but at the same time she is getting those nasty smelling foremilk stools because she is not emptying my breast at a feed. Part of me also balks at letting my supply decrease because with the twins I eventually hit a pumping plateau and had to start supplementing. What would you do?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congrats lady!!
  3. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I would not pump but ice. If you pump, you are going to stay at the level you are now until either her sucking slows or you stop pumping. Give it a couple of days. In the meantime, ice ice ice. Also, if it is too much for her, you can do a let down before she latches and decrease the initial burst of milk.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If it were me, I would wait till 6 weeks before pumping just to let my supply find its groove. I imagine with such a great supply you'll have no troubles pumping for her while you're at work. :good:

    In the mean time, here are some tips from Kellymom on dealing with an oversupply/fast flow to make things a big easier for babe.
  5. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    I had the same issue but 3-4 days after c/s, both my bubs were in NICU so I was pumping from the get go, and I'm so glad I did because I'm sure it helped them to have the EBM and get released from NICU faster. As my second twin was in another hospital for 3 weeks, it meant that I had a great supply stored in the freezer for her to have - sadly it is all gone now :( - if it were me, I would pump and store, perhaps you could pump before latching her on so that she gets the hind milk?

    PS: so that's why my twin B has those smelly stools!! She is still recovering from surgery so she always finds it hard to swallow after the let down which for me is quite strong also - what I do when that happens is, grab a bib and press firmly on the nipple to stop the strong flow and then put her back her on. At first I was worried that she wasn't getting the hind milk but her weights have been great.
  6. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    If it were ME, and I KNEW I was going back to work I would totally take advantage.
    SInce she cant possibly eat all the milk you have in one sitting (doestn even sound like she's finishing 1 breast?) , I would let her nurse one side and I would pump the other side to empty. At her next feed I would put her back o the breast she never fished and if she needs more then switch her over to the one I fully pumped last time. Try to find a rhythm for doing both,ensuring she gets to finish off breast.

    Its a lot easier to take advantage of the overflowing milk you have now and tame down a supply, then it is to try and build one up later.

    There are so many ways you could take advantage of the situation.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I would also take advantage of the extra milk and store it... you never know what's going to happen later, and you'll want to have breastmilk for as long as possible. you also don't know how it's going to affect your supply when you have to stop nursing and start pumping more... your breasts might not produce as much as they would with her actually nursing.

    a friend at work was able to pump and have a great supply that she was able to quit pumping several months ahead of when her bm ran out... it worked for her... not sure that's what you're envisioning... but whatever you choose, yes, you are very lucky and blessed to have an over abundance supply issue!
  8. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    Depends on how much of an oversupply you have as well. If its causing her reflex, a lot of spit up, gassy, fussy miserable thats an issue. But if you could manipulate it like you are feeding twins again (she eats 1 breast per feed & you pump the other) that would be optimal. When you go back to work you'll double pumping anyway, and by that point you can quit pumping the other breast when you 2 are home together and just nurse 1 breast per feed evenings & weekends.
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  9. elhardy26

    elhardy26 Well-Known Member

    I ditto the pumping for freezer supply. I was so happy to have the 90oz i froze in the first 12 weeks because when I did start to go back to work my pumping output was not great plus it allowed me to have a night of drinking every once in a while to relax and feed DS freezer milk. I would nurse 1 breast and pump the other if possible.
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