"I've Never ..." (Game)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rebekahj, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    How about a silly game? I propose the "I've never ..." game (a staple of slumber-parties everywhere). It works like this - One person says something they've never done and someone who has done it responds, with any details they want to share, then says something she/he has never done. And so on.

    It can be something you're kind of proud of - "I've never taken a kid to the emergency room." (yet - knock on wood).
    Or something you're kind of embarrassed by - "I've never taken my kids to any classes."
    It doesn't have to be kid-related.
    It can something you've always wanted to do - "I've never seen Africa."
    Or something you don't want to do but others might - "I've never been whitewater rafting."
    Or just something random.

    I'll start - "I've never fed my kids avocados." (I'm allergic and worry they might be too.)

    Oh, hey, this is my 500th post. :D
    2 people like this.
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :yahoo: on 500 posts!!!

    Cute game!

    I've never had one of my kids poop in the tub :lol: :bad:
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    OMG, me neither!! Of course you know that since we said it, we've jinxed ourselves.... ;)

    I've never taken my boys to the store alone. :blush:
  4. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    Oh, I've had a kid poop in the tub. It wasn't pretty! This same kid has also taken off her diaper and pooped on the floor - twice.

    So here goes:

    I've never left my kids in the car and just run in to a store/shop/anyplace!

    I've never taken my kids to any classes, but they are booked in for their first music class next week.

    I've never gone on a hike in Nepal, & it has always been a long time dream.

    Hope you are all having a good day in your various corners of the country/world! This was fun!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, I have had a child poo in the tub...yuck!
    I have also never fed my children avocados only because I've never had avocados before :blush:
    I have never been to Hawaii and I am dying to go someday!

    Rebekah, great idea for a game and :yahoo: for 500 posts!
  6. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    I have had poop in the tub and have taken them to the store by myself, even took them to dinner by myself the other day - that was crazy! but glad I gave it a try, although not sure the other patrons felt the same :shok:

    We have tried avocados - even though I think they are gross. They are enrolled in a music class, but havent been going since we are having to deal with EI evaluations, etc. :(

    I have left my kids in the car - only when loading and unloading when by myself - I cannot wait till they can walk and we dont have to do this any more - I hate it

    I havent gotten down to the weight I would like to be at... EVER :gah:
  7. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member


    I have enjoyed :mad: cleaning poop out of the tub and avocados are one of my faves so the kids have definitely tried them, although they aren't huge fans.

    Never have I ever had sleeping babies in my bed - but sometimes wish I did (I know, glutton for punishment). That one is hard to explain - what I am trying to say is that my babies will not sleep anywhere but in their cribs so we've never had naptime or bedtime or even please go to sleep time snuggled up together.

    Never have I ever taken them to a class - but we are enrolled in toddler gymnastics that start soon!

    Never have I ever been to New York (all over the country and even overseas but never there) and I really want to go!
  8. irisflower

    irisflower Well-Known Member

    I have never made a face when I gave my twins something I don't like to eat.

    Avocados, blueberries, grapes, tomatoes, cheerios, watermelon, fish, lima beans, peas.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Here's another I thing I have never done:
    I have never taken my kids to a fireworks display. I never will either. I'm terrified of fireworks and have said that DH, my mom or my in-laws are more then welcome to take them, but I won't :escape:
  10. nycmomma

    nycmomma Well-Known Member

    K&Ts Mom - Come visit! NYC with babies isn't easy, but with bigger kids I'm sure it would be more fun.

    Fingers crossed, no poops in the tub here either.

    I've never regretted a parenting decision yet - even deciding to skip hosting a 1st birthday bonanza, stop breastfeeding at 6 months or stay in Manhattan while raising infants.
  11. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I have had poop in the tub! My DD was standing and telling me something very seriously with her finger in the air and then..PLOP PLOP! i guess that's what she was trying to say...

    They have had avacados and I took them to one free gymboree class...but I didn't like it because it was too structured...I guess I was hoping to just drop them into it and let them run wild :rotflmbo:

    I realized I have never given them ketcup, Pizza or red meat. My DH and I were eating (badly obviously) and my DD kept asking "what that, what that!?" Dreading the day they get a taste of the good stuff!
  12. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I have given them ketchup. At first Cameron didn't like it, but eventually warmed up to it. Kiefer really likes ketchup.

    Oh they both have pooped in the tub a few times now. One day one spit up and pooped and the other pooped too. That was fun....

    I've also taken them to classes. They love their gym classes. It's structured but with some free time to play. It's their favorite day of the week!

    I used to live in NYC. I was not a fan.... I'll have to visit again though cause my father still lives there.

    I tried to take both my boys shopping once. It's not easy. I don't really want to do that again unless I have to. Of course, they were in their double stroller, and I had no where to put the items I needed to buy.

    I have never fed them peanut butter. I love peanut butter, and I don't think they are allergic, but DH and I are both adopted and are afraid of peanut allergies.

    I also have never swam with either of my boys.

    I have never had either boy sleep in my bed with me, but I did sleep in one of my boys' room when he had a bad ear infection.
  13. rebekahj

    rebekahj Well-Known Member

    Great answers, guys!

    I've definitely had kids poop in the tub a few times, in fact just yesterday!

    I've taken the boys to stores by myself, or else I'd never get out! I've also gone to restaurants with just me and them. I try to be cool but I both want and don't want people to comment on the boys. :pardon:

    I've left one kid in the car while I carried the other quickly into the doctor's office, deposited him on the floor then gone back for the other kid. I wouldn't be able to get us all into my PT's office otherwise! At least it's a tiny office and small parking lot.

    I've been to Hawaii three times, and it's wonderful, though the last time cost us an extra 16 thousand bucks because I lost my wedding ring in the ocean!

    I was at the weight (though not shape) I wanted to be back in my college days ...

    I did a lot of sleeping with babies during the early days. Kid cries, I pick him up from the crib, crawl back in bed with him, latch him on my breast, fall asleep until next kid cries, swap, repeat all night.

    I've never been to NYC, but to upstate New York briefly.

    I usually eat some of anything that I'll give to the boys, just to make sure it's not turned bad or anything, and in general manage to control my face when eating *blech* beets, squash, rhubarb, etc.

    I don't like fireworks myself, I find them noisy and unpleasant. I'll probably wait for quite a while to take them to see them.

    I can't say I've regretted any 'parenting decision' unless you count the day-to-day, 'Oh, that was probably not a good thing to serve when I don't have time to give them a bath'.

    I gave them pizza, a tiny piece, at 10 months because we were in Illinois and DH wanted their first pizza to be his childhood favorite. :)

    I've not gotten the nerve to feed them peanut butter yet, but I'm working up to it.

    Let's see if I can come up with a few more ... There's a ton of things I've never done since my boys are my only kids, but that hardly seems fair. Hmm ...

    I've never scrapbooked. (I know I would go way overboard so it's wiser not to start. ;))

    I've never had Raffi, the Wiggles, or the Teletubies on.

    I've never drank beer or wine. (Can't stand the smell even.)

    I've never gone camping as an adult.

    I've never gotten a bikini wax.

    I've never been on a cruise.
  14. lovemytwinsx2

    lovemytwinsx2 Well-Known Member

    I have never had poop in the tub (yet)..LOL

    I've never given them tunafish sandwiches (yet)

    I've never taken them to a fast food restaurant

    I've never taken them to a restaurant by myself
  15. luvmytwins08

    luvmytwins08 Well-Known Member

    I have had many kids poop in the tub.... :mellow:
    I have given my kids pizza...plenty of times
    I have left my kids in the car..with their older 14 year old brother
    I have had my two older kids sleep in my bed but the little ones dont; they think its play time in our room!
    I have never let my little twins CIO as I hate the sound of them being upset!!!!(dont know why but these two just melt my heart!)
    I have never had a baby girl (waaa) :(
    I have never been financially secure :eek:
  16. bmatlock

    bmatlock Well-Known Member

    wow, didn't know poop in the tub was so common! dreading that....

    i've never wanted to leave my boys in the sole care of my father in law (he falls asleep ALL the time and thinks safety is silly)
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