Ive got a bitter...help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by BittyBetsy, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. BittyBetsy

    BittyBetsy Active Member

    My twin girls are 15 mo. old and one of them is the calm twin while the other is the hyper twin (Ansley). Ansley has been on a bitting rage latelly... she does not do it like wanting to hurt..she runs up to LeeAnn like to give her a hug but the hug come with a bite. She also bull dozes over her like a restler and knocks leeAnn down then bites her. Poor LeeAnn has bites all over her. Im always right there but it happens so fast she gets bitten before I can get to her.

    How do you discipline a 15 mo. old? I know she would have no concept of a time out. I give her a firm "NO" and she laughs and goes on to play. Im at a loss. My friend suggested putting a gate across my living room and just separating them for a few days? Any thoughts.

    I hope someone has come across this and found a solution.....Im desparate...my poor little baby keeps getting attacked :nea: ...

    thanks in advanced.

  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    No solutions here at that age. We just said, "No biting, it hurts" and then redirected their attention toward something else. I found that the biting usually coincided with getting the one year molars and for us that started right about 15 months or so. Good luck. They are fast, aren't they?! :hug99:
  3. kstar

    kstar Well-Known Member

    I had a biter too! At that age it is really hard to discipline and and I agree with the PP, all you can do is say "No biting, it hurts" every time it happens. I don't know if you will have any luck separating them. It probably doesn't seem like saying no is sinking in, but it is.

    I said it more times then I could count!
  4. TwinsInOkinawa

    TwinsInOkinawa Well-Known Member

    I had one biter, now I have two - so I'm not sure that I'm a good example, but what I do is 1) Try to avoid the situation. Mine usually bite when a toy is stolen from them, so if I see a toy getting stolen, I redirect and give the toy back to the original twin. 2) If they do bite, I quick say "no biting" and sweep the biter off and take her and sit with her for a minute or so while telling her biting hurts, we don't bite, etc, etc. She isn't happy, so this isn't a positive time. I know she doesn't understand time outs yet, but it's a start. Usually the one who was bit is off playing and doesn't really make a fuss. After I let the biter up, I then lavish praise, hugs, kisses on the one who was bit.

    We are getting molars, both upper and lower, so that might be part of the problem.

    I don't think separating them will help - then you'll just have two screaming kids trying to play with each other.

    Good luck.
  5. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    Both of my twins are biters (and hairpullers). They bite each other, my older DD when she is pestering them and me. They are 17 months and have been doing it for probably 3 months. I just tell them no biting and redirect them. I have also started putting them in our timeout spot. Of course they don't sit there for long so I usually have to put them back a few times, but it's obvious they don't like it. I have also discovered that I can threaten to put them in their crib if they don't stop with a tantrum and they will stop. I'm discovering they understand more than I give them credit for.
  6. hrichards

    hrichards Well-Known Member

    I had the same thing at that age, my girls are 18 months now, and are sooooo much better. But, it was awful. What I did (I think that it helped) we just tried to catch in the act or I guess right before the biting happens, and say, " I will not let you hurt her""Biting hurts and you will not hurt your sister" It really seemed to get her attention. It only lasted a few weeks. I can occasionally catch them trying to bite now(not verty often) more out of frustration. But I still do that and they seem to redirect quickly. Good luck

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