I've done it....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    And it most certainly was NOT easy! I'm not sure if it's because it's the finalization that we are done having children(I'm secretly hoping for a surprise pregnancy...just not now...and what a surprise it would be seeing how we did five IVF's...and we are in the process of donating our embies), or that my "babies" are growing up! Granted, I still have an infant who is almost eight months old(where did that time go????), but gosh...if it were up to me-I'd get rid of NOTHING! :laughing:

    So the boys had EI for speech and tested out around November. Their speech therapist actually married MIL's best friend's son(get that?). Small world huh? She was wonderful with the boys and they ADORED her! They have to buy their own toys, and we all know how expensive those are! So their bday/Christmas rolled around and in order to have space for their new toys, I had to get rid of some old toys. It was hard because I wasn't sure what to keep for Annabella, but I figured she'd have her own birthday and get all kinds of girly toys.

    In the end, I had about two boxes filled with toys-some odds and ends, some really nice ones. Their therapist was thrilled. She went and took what she could use, then put the rest out for the other therapists. She said EVERYTHING was taken and they all appreciated it. And now the boys go their for playgroup once a week, so I feel good donating for a good cause, eventhough part of me was seeing the $$, but dh wanted it gone, and honestly, most of it were gifts...

    And I have a friend expecting baby #2 in June/July. She found out it's a boy, and here I have two boys. I had SEVEN bins of clothes-that covered only the first year... :crazy: :blush: She asked if she could have some and I said sure. Money is tight for them, but then again, it is for us as well. So for two hours, she went through the clothes and I'm now down to 3.5 bins. She brought clothes her daughter had, but she wants them back. I understand that-but I just essentially fully clothed your kid! LOL! I told her to write the letter "C" on the clothes and I want to go through them again once she's done with them. When I said that, I got choked up and had to walk out of the room! Even as I write this! LOL! Again, some of those clothes were barely worn, pristine condition, and I could have gotten money for them as well...but am also a tad lazy to deal with it! LOL!

    As crazy as it may be some days with three kids two and under, I wouldn't trade it for the world-I'd do it again over and over again...and I just wish my kids didn't have to grow up! And grow up so fast!

    In any case-I've donated...I've purged....I'm coming to grips. Slowly. LOL!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: Meaghan! I know it is hard to say goodbye to those things and realize that there will not be any more little ones to fit into that baby stuff. I felt the same way when we gave away our kids clothes, baby gear and toys. It was really like, this is it. :hug:
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Awesome...I just got rid of a ton of stuff that I gave to a family with twins. It was crazy thinking of all the memories I had, but so nice to get all of that stuff out of my attic!
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    It is hard to let go of it! I gave a bunch of stuff to my cousin who has a 6 month old. AND...we just gave some other stuff to one of DH's co-workers who is expecting. It feels good to help someone else out, but it is sad at the same time. :(
  5. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    WTG! :Clap: I have so much stuff in our attic it is crazy. I hope to get rid of lots this spring. :pardon:
  6. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    We have been given almost everything the girls have ever worn. Where I live there are few second-hand stores, so people just pass stuff around between themselves. So every new season my friend clears out her girls' wardrobes (who themselves inherit from older girl cousins) and passes them to me. I then forward our stuff to a couple of other friends' kids. It works really well. And, about once a season, I get attached to a special item of clothing and put it on my keepsakes shelf instead of forwarding it.

    This has meant that it's been much easier for me to give away stuff. Also because, even though I haven't finished with the idea of extending the family (DH most definitely is finished), I know that were it to happen I'll easily just inherit clothes from whoever's baby is just a bit older than mine. It's made even easier here by the fact the houses are built with no storage space at all (we don't have either an attic or a basement).

    Anyway, congratulations on your purging. My parents still have in their attic, all our clothes, workbooks, toys etc - and we children now range between 40 and 50 years old!
  7. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Yay for you, Meaghan! I know how tough it must have been. I need to purge some stuff, too - I'm bad about dealing with toys because I feel like I'm taking away things they enjoy, but I hate, hate, hate the clutter, and it's not like they can play with a million toys simultaneously! :)
  8. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Yay! It's hard letting go! I'm slowly coming to grips with not having anymore babies, so I've been thinking about doing a little purging soon and having a big yard sale in the summer. Then I'll be able to afford getting the girls their big girl beds for their birthday.
  9. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Good job!! That is awesone you gave the toys the therapist!! Many, many children will benefit.
    I am just gethering my stuff to get rid of and I am sad!!!
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