I've been away for some time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Dr. Menna, Mar 20, 2008.

  1. Dr. Menna

    Dr. Menna Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone,

    It has been like 2 months since my last post. I've been so busy moving and just in life.
    My boys turned 1 year March 9th, oh i can't believe we made it. I felt that it wasn't just a year. i feel i grew many years older. Anyways, i dont want to sound depressed, i really am by the way, i'm here to ask you some questions, you mom who made it through the first year too.

    1- Do your 1 year old twin say mama, papa & other words, my boys just say papa- i'm not sure they mean it or not, and tata when they walk?
    2- Are you still using bottles? or switched totally to sippies?
    3- How many times do they eat- meal i mean- when & how much?
    4- How many naps?

    I'm sorry if any of these qs is repeated, i'm sure all the above lloll :D

    Hugs & kisses

  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dr. Menna @ Mar 21 2008, 01:31 AM) [snapback]680143[/snapback]
    1- Do your 1 year old twin say mama, papa & other words, my boys just say papa- i'm not sure they mean it or not, and tata when they walk?
    2- Are you still using bottles? or switched totally to sippies?
    3- How many times do they eat- meal i mean- when & how much?
    4- How many naps?

    My girls hardly said anything at 12 months -- maybe dada (not mama!) and bye-bye, but that's it.
    We were down to 1 bottle a day, which we kept until 13 months.
    They had 3 meals and 2 snacks a day, plus the bedtime bottle.
    They were still napping twice a day, roughly around 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

    Hope this helps! Congrats on making it through the first year! :)
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We only had a few words at 1 yr. and it TOOK OFF at 18 mos!!!
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Dr. Menna @ Mar 20 2008, 09:31 PM) [snapback]680143[/snapback]
    1- Do your 1 year old twin say mama, papa & other words, my boys just say papa- i'm not sure they mean it or not, and tata when they walk?
    2- Are you still using bottles? or switched totally to sippies?
    3- How many times do they eat- meal i mean- when & how much?
    4- How many naps?

    1. At 12 months mine both said mama and dada and 1 or 2 others, but I don't remember now.

    2. Mine were on all sippies except for the bedtime bottle which we gave up at 15 months.

    3. They ate 3 meals and 2 snacks. For meals I let them eat until they showed me they were done.

    4. 2 naps then, 9:30-11:30 and 1:15-3:15.

    :birthday: to your boys!
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    1. Could say around 5 words then (uh-oh, momma, dada, dog, bye-bye)

    2. All sippies/nursing except bedtime bottle on the nights I worked which we stopped at 15 months

    3. They ate 3 meals and still nursed alot, got water in sippies

    4. 2 naps then, 9-11 and 1-3

    Good to see you around :)
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :birthday: boys! Your boys are 1 day older than my girls!!

    My girls say dada and hey. Meara also says uh oh (when something drops) and ow (when her sister gets hurt). Ana also said mama (in a whining tone of voice- think Cartman from South Park). So no, not many worlds just lots of unintelligible babbling.

    We are still on 2 bottles a day. I actually just posted a poll in another thread about how to switch to milk and sippies. My goal is to be off bottles by 15 months, but I take everything really slow.

    That leads me to meals. We are FINALLY on 3 meals plus 1 snack (plus 2 bottles) a day. I feed them until they are full and they usually have 3 or 4 different things to eat at each meal (protein, veggie, fruit, and grain).

    They are taking 2 naps usually. Sometimes they still take a third. Morning nap is around 9:30, afternoon nap varies A LOT! If its a day they are at the sitter, it doesn't happen until I pick them up around 5pm (yup- they take a NAP at 5pm, wake up between 6 and 6:30 and go to bed at 8 ). If its day they are home, its usually at 2pm.
  7. KimberlyF

    KimberlyF Well-Known Member

    My two still only babble, no real words. Lots of mamamama, and more of dadadada, my dd says hi, but I'm not convinced that even that means anything. <_<

    We were totally on sippies and milk around 1 year, maybe a week later.

    We were on 2 naps a day and three meals at that point. They ate as much as they wanted, since they're pretty small.
  8. leticiasnow

    leticiasnow Well-Known Member

    1- Do your 1 year old twin say mama, papa & other words, my boys just say papa- i'm not sure they mean it or not, and tata when they walk?
    2- Are you still using bottles? or switched totally to sippies?
    3- How many times do they eat- meal i mean- when & how much?
    4- How many naps?

    My twins were early talkers. They were saying quite a bit of words, but language at that age can vary. My son hardly said anything but the basics. My girls are such chatter boxes.

    We threw out the bottles shortly after they turned one. They were actually doing sippies when they did solids. DH couldn't wait to get them out of the house. We threw out the sippies when they were 18M and they do great with cups. Many parents don't think they are ready, but if you just let them practice, they will pick it up quickly.

    I can't remember about meals. It was many small ones-- or three meals and two snacks a day.

    As for naps, they have always been one time nappers. My son napped twice a day until about a year, then one nap until 18M where he just stopped all together.

    My girls nap most days. Some days they just play. It's usually an hour to two hours. Once in a while three if they are really tired.
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