Brandon (16m) has been biting his brother if hes got something he wants, he does not get his way and so on. I tell him that its not nice to bite and redirect him. I have put him in his crib for a few min but I know he has no idea why hes there. Sometimes I see him do it and sometimes I dont but the crying from Dylan and the bite marks are proof...... At this age I have no idea what to do but I dont want Dylan to have to deal with this anymore.
Unfortunately, what I have read says to be very watchful and cut them off before they bite. I don't think that's always possible. That would mean you could literally never turn your back! I wish I knew what to tell you!! Is he teething bad? Maybe some thing for him to chew on that would help? I don't think that's a great idea.....just throwing it out there! ((HUGS!))
QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ Apr 5 2007, 08:15 PM) [snapback]207496[/snapback] Unfortunately, what I have read says to be very watchful and cut them off before they bite. I don't think that's always possible. That would mean you could literally never turn your back! I wish I knew what to tell you!! Is he teething bad? Maybe some thing for him to chew on that would help? I don't think that's a great idea.....just throwing it out there! ((HUGS!)) I "think" we are done with teething right now...... He seems to do it when Dylan has something that he wants usually Dylan gives it up but if he does not he gets bit.... I try my hardest to watch them every second and the min I turn around to do something Dylan is screaming and has a bite mark on him... The firt time was his fact all times after that have been arms, hands and fingers..... Im searching the net right now but that I would ask to see if any one had an idea..... I read somewhere that it could be b/c hes hungry but I know thats not the case......
I feel your frustration. I'm going through something similar with my twins only its hair pulling, not biting. Sometimes my DS will pull his sisters hair over a toy that he wants. Other times he just gets this mischievous gleam in his eye and pulls her hair(till it hurts!) out of the blue for no reason at all. The poor little thing doesn't even fight back she just starts screaming. I really don't even know if this works or not, but I'm in the process of trying it. Whenever I actually catch him in the process of "hairpulling", I immediately say (in as stern a voice as I can muster)"no! we don't pull hair. Hair pulling hurts.) Then (if he was trying to take a toy away) I give the toy back to his sister, and smother her with attention and sympathy while ignoring (pretending to at least) him. So far, not much effect, but I haven't really been consistent with it because it only recently started getting out of control. Have you tried They have a ton of advice on dealing with crazy toddler behavior. Good Luck!!!!
I have two biters. At least it's even. I was so embarrassed taking them to their last doctor's appointment because they have little bruises all over their arms and legs from rough horseplay and biting. Redirecting is a good temporary fix but there are days where it's all I do and as soon as I leave the room for a moment, they are fighting over something and someone gets bit. I've also tried paying lots of attention to the victim but that hasn't worked since their motivation seems to be getting the toy they want, not attention from me. We're trying time outs now but they totally don't get it and the boy who isn't being punished stands there and cries because he wants to play with the boy who is in time out. Talk about frustrating! Sorry, I guess I don't have any answers but loads of empathy. :hug99:
I know it sounds terrible, but reading your post was a relief. I know I am not alone now. My boys are 16months too and Gideon bites Benjamin over toys he wants or even if Benjamin tries sitting on my lap and Gideon doesn't want him there. It is so frustrating. I just touch his mouth an firmly say "NO BITING, BE NICE TO BEN" and move him across the room. Then he bursts into tears and then Ben usually cries too because he doesn't like anyone to cry. I just keep hoping this is a phase that will end soon. Hopefully you will get some good suggestions. In the meantime, hang in there.
I have 2 biters too! Joshua is worse than Daniel about biting, I feel so sorry for Daniel it's like Joshua is a big bully to him. I wish I had an answer too it makes me crazy sometimes because I have to play referee all day long. Time outs do help I think if you are consistent with them. Joshua has gotten a little better since I started putting him in the crib for a few minutes while I console Daniel. :hug99:
I just posted this in the playdate post but I listened to a show awhile back that dealt with biting. It was on in their archives as a show that aired on 2/4/07. The advice was to comfort and direct attention to the victim and stay on top of the bitor and try to distract before it happens.
I just went through the ame thing this morning. My ds is bigger and stronger than dd so she bites him when she is frustrated with him. Yup this morning I was watching them fight over a plstic water bottle and I was trying to tell them to take turns (yeah right) and distract him becseu she had it first. I was right htere with them and he pulled it out of her hands. She screamed them grabbed him and clenched onto his face!! :icon_eek: I pulled them apart nda picked up my screaming ds and she then started banging her head on the floor! I put him down to stop her from banging her head on the floor and ds started biting her butt. Thank god for diapers! It was a nightmare! She hasn't bite him in about 6 mo nths and thought we had passed that stage but apparently not! Now that they are in bed napping it is funny to think about the chaos but I was beside myself this morning. I had two babies crying hysterically and they would not let me console mor ethan one at a time and when I put the calm baby down to console the hysterical one, the calm one became hysterical at being put down. AAAHHHHH!!! I hear YA!
I know what you are going through. Laney is my biter. Lauren has bruises all over. I can't turn my back for a minute with her. I've done the redircting and time out which hasn't worked. I am at my wit's end, too.
:-( I have a biter too, except mine bites at daycare and those aren't my kids. I've been on both sides of the fence and having a biter is way worse than being the parent of the bitee. THe only advice I have is so to really keep an eye when they are playing together. If you sense that there is some toy envy or a fight escalating, redirect your biter or try to distract. My pedi says it's a phase and normal toddler behavior. The only thing I can also advise is when you see they are going to bite, try to bite or have bitten, be very stern and tell the no biting in a very strict voice. THat usually causes a tantrum, but they know they have done something unacceptable. It's a tough situation with no real cure-all.
I have 16 month old b/g twins and my son bites my daughter all the time. Sometimes he does it for no reason at all. I feel so badly for her cause she has all these marks and bruises and she is a pretty gentle kid. I have told him that biting isn't nice,...not even sure if he understands me. It is frustrating but my pediatrician says it's normal. When will it end???
Joshua was biting a few months ago, it was turning in to a daily ordeal. I just had to stay on top of him all the time and put a little guilt trip on him I would sternly tell him "we do not bite!" and "look you hurt Sissy" Thankfully he has since stopped