It's votavirus...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by knorts, May 29, 2008.

  1. knorts

    knorts Well-Known Member

    This stinks--quite literally--their poop REALLY stinks from this darn bug. I took DS in earlier this week and they told me that's what has been up with him, and now it appears DD has it too UGH! Any suggestions for how and/or what to disinfect so that they don't reinfect each other?
  2. duranjt

    duranjt Well-Known Member

    All I can offer is BIG BIG HUGS!!! Our family had it when DD's were little...we ended up all getting it and it took us 28 days and finally leaving town to get rid of it. My SIL came to the house after we left and washed all sheets in hot water, opened all the windows, and used 8 (yes, EIGHT) cans of Lysol all over every surface in the house. It's so hard to separate everything when they're so little, but I recommend OCD handwashing for everyone!! Good luck with it and I hope you all feel better soon!!

    :) Nicole
  3. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I will never forget the smell from that! It's ingrained in my nose :bad:
    Keep up the BRAT diet, we did that, plus some jello and yogurt. Make sure to wash your hands really well after diaper changes.
  4. doubledownmom

    doubledownmom Well-Known Member

    my kids had was awful!! my hubby got it and my mom and sister got it....for some reason, i didn't get it....not sure why....but I washed all the sheets in hot water.....disinfected everything...counters, floors, bathroom, kitchen...and doorknobs!!! don't forget doorknobs!! and cabinet handles....
  5. WEME

    WEME Well-Known Member

    :hug99: Oh, it is an AWFUL and CRUEL virus!!! The girls also had it when they were little and they kept it for WEEKS!!! The smell was soooooo BAD :eek: Then DH got it :shok: He only went from bed to the potty and back for 2-3 days. My DH NEVER gets sick and he was horribly affected. He later said he never felt so bad in all his life. He said he felt sorry for the girls after suffering from it himself. Somehow, I really avoided it :blbl:

    Just constantly wash everyone's hands, wear a mask, and wash everything in HOT water a lot. I hope they feel better soon and everyone else stays well.
  6. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    Oh no! We went through this a couple of weeks ago with Katelyn. Her symptoms weren't the norm, so the first doc missed the diagnosis. She threw up constantly and wasn't able to stop. The first doc gave her an anti-vomitting med(shot) to stop the cycle but it didn't help for more than 12 hours and Katie ended up being admitted to the hospital(4 days total) for severe dehydration. So, watch for signs of dehydration as it can be very dangerous. Katelyn's levels were so off that she was on seizure watch for two of the nights in the hospital. She tested positive for rotavirus but luckily had no pooping issues, thought she did have pneumonia on top of rota. The literature we were given at the hospital about rotavirus said that alcohol based hand sanitizer was more effective than hand washing to prevent the spread of rotavirus and alcohol based cleaners were also best-my mom hit all the surfaces she could with rubbing alcohol while we were in the hospital. Jessica was hospitalized because she started to show the same symptoms as Katie and the ped was afraid to let things get anywhere near as bad as they were for Katelyn. She tested negative luckily. DH and I also got sick but not rotavirus.
  7. K&B's Mom

    K&B's Mom Well-Known Member

    Oh, poor babies. Big hugs to you. Rotavirus is awful.

    I second the excessive handwashing. I'd also wash all towels, sheets, etc. and use disinfecting wipes everywhere. Poor DS just got over rotavirus. He was one sick little boy. We lucked out that none of the rest of us got it. DS had both diarrhea and vomiting though luckily not at the same time. The vomiting got so bad that we ended up in the emergency room and DS and I ended up staying overnight so DS could get IVs and medication to control the nausea. Really watch for signs of dehydration. We kept trying to get fluids into DS but he could keep absolutely nothing down. Scary stuff. I also ended up steam cleaning our sofa and loveseat and the carpet in the family room because it all got thrown up on.

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