It's too hard...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lovafox, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. lovafox

    lovafox Well-Known Member

    If I hear this phrase one more time from my little angels I think I'll scream! It's too hard to put on their own shoes, to color, to darn near anything!! How do you foster their independance and get around the 'too hard' phase? Help!

    Thanks for listening!
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    That's going to DRIVE ME CRAZY!!! I am going to attempt to institute a "try/attempt" must be made type rule! I will be in the padded room at the hospital on that one! :hug99: To you!! I have no idea, but let us know what you find out!!
  3. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    This works on my little master manipulators. I say "OK, come here my tiny little baby. Mommy will put on your shoes/panties/etc since you are such a small, helpless, precious little baby. I will be so proud when you are a big girl & can do it yourself." After a few times of being treated like a baby, they usually proudly show me they can do it themselves!
  4. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost five and Kaitlyn still says this. Other fave phrases of hers are "I can't" and "I don't want to right now". The tactic that I use is to do it for her wrong. Then she corrects me and usually does it herself. Like if she has to put her shoes on I'll put the left one on the right foot and she'll correct me. DH is more persistant on getting her to do things herself. He'll stand there until the cows some home until she tries to do it herself first.
  5. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Gabe has just started the "i can't" phase..."help me" is getting old real quick! I have started the baby treatment mentioned in teh above does help!
  6. MTBx2

    MTBx2 Well-Known Member

    I swear the most heard phrase in our house is "I CAN'T" and it's always from Brooke. I make her at least try to do something before doing it for her, because that kid will let me do everything and her just sit back and enjoy the attention. I tried the treating her like a baby thing, and she just brought me a baby bottle and asked me to feed her. LOL

    If she absolutely will not try, I will warn her that if she doesn't try, I will put her in time out. It's seems a bit harsh, even to me, but it usually works because she knows once I threaten TO, I mean business.
  7. BaylorGirls

    BaylorGirls Well-Known Member

    Recently Emma started this--her phrase is "I can't do it." I usually tell her "Yes, you can" and make her try again. Sometimes it's a legitimate complaint, but with something I know she can do, I don't rush in to help. I'm hoping she outgrows this soon, and that her sister doesn't start!

    I like the PP who said to treat them like "little babies" when they say it's too hard. I'll have to try that!

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