Its MINE, NO Its MINE!@!!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bickford, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. bickford

    bickford Well-Known Member

    Hi, Im new to this forum. I have 16 month old twin girls. For the most part they are really easy going, but lately its been a different story. Now Mackenzie is taking every toy Kayleigh has. Sometimes its ok with Kayleigh, but lately it is frustrating her to no end and she isnt strong enough (personality wise) to take it back. I know this is very normal, but how did you handle the situation. I cant have Kayleigh toyless and crying all the time, and Im not sure how to make them understand at this age. Thanks.
  2. bickford

    bickford Well-Known Member

    Hi, Im new to this forum. I have 16 month old twin girls. For the most part they are really easy going, but lately its been a different story. Now Mackenzie is taking every toy Kayleigh has. Sometimes its ok with Kayleigh, but lately it is frustrating her to no end and she isnt strong enough (personality wise) to take it back. I know this is very normal, but how did you handle the situation. I cant have Kayleigh toyless and crying all the time, and Im not sure how to make them understand at this age. Thanks.
  3. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    We have the same problem here [​IMG] Hopefully someone out there has some good suggestions because I am at a loss too! I will sometimes take the toy back from the one who stole it (usually Coleman) and give it back, but only if I catch it immediately. Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't make the connection. And of course I always explain ("Don't steal from your brother...") but usually there is a tantrum by then and no one can hear over the ruckus. [​IMG]

  4. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    They're too young to understand sharing at their age, but it's so frustrating to watch the toy stealing! Some toys I had to confiscate b/c they just caused too many fights. Otherwise I take it and give it back to the other child and try to explain that he/she was playing with it first and we need to share. I've tried giving it to each one for a certain amount of time, but that doesn't work well with us. After a year/18 months if there was any pushing or hitting involved there was a timeout for the offfending child. Now I try to let them work it out for themselves as much as possible unless it gets violent!
  5. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    I usually intervene and give it back to the child who had it first and explain that we need to share. I am definitely a referee a large part of the time, but I really feel they need to understnad that they just can't grab. But once the toy gets put down it is fair game.
  6. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    We have the same problem here Hopefully someone out there has some good suggestions because I am at a loss too!

    Just as I clicked on this link they started crying at each other over toys! [​IMG] It's a constant, esp when they start to get tired.

    I don't intervene much, trying to let them figure out that they need to work it out. The crying ususally only lasts a few seconds then they move on to playing again.
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the forum, so glad to have you [​IMG]

    Yep, mine constantly have disagreements over things, especially certain toys. Jack has a Dodge Truck, and Zack has a Escalade truck and they constantly fight over them... especially if the other one tries and plays with one that isn't theirs... they get so mad, they scream, and start shaking all over.

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