Its going to be a long week...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommycandi, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    I just need to share because i may lose it. We got a nice big tax return so are getting our basement finished. The guys just started with the actual work yesterday. Well, i knew it would be loud, but OMG! Yesterday, dd did manage to fall asleep for her morning nap, but only slept 20 min for her afternoon one, usually 2 hrs. Ds didn't sleep at all in am, and was so tired he fell asleep in his high chair during lunch, then slept one hour. That was it for him yesterday. They went to bed at 6:30 (1/2 hour early) and woke at 7:30 (1/2 hour later than normal). So, they slept 13 hours last night! Normally they sleep 11 so that was good, i guess. Well, that threw this morning off. Dd did fall asleep, about 1/2 hour later than normal, but she has been asleep for 1 hour. Ds has been in his crib since a little after 9:30 and has not fallen asleep (its about 10:30 now so i guess i'll go get him!). Wondering what will happen this afternoon....
    They have promised me that it will only be really noisy through Thursday, when they will have all the framing done. I hope thats true! This is really throwing the kids off and they are sooo cranky! But the whole job will take about three weeks! Ugh!! I am excited to get the playroom i want, but this is going to be a really long week! I'm sure their moods can only get better as the week goes on...

    So, just venting, thanks for listening!
  2. malone550

    malone550 Well-Known Member

    We had the roof done last summer when the twins were on two naps I wanted to kill the roofers they stopped for two hours for lunch in between naps ! :angry: It through them off the whole week end but we needed the roof I hope your basement turns out beautiful
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sure it sucks, but just think of what you'll have in the end... a nice finished basement, and the kids will go back to their normal schedules. :wub:

    Good luck!!
  4. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    We just did the same thing and ours is done now. Our twins are a bit older at 3 years of age but still have one nap after lunch and my youngest, Jon, who is 11 mths takes one or two naps a day. Luckily we have 2 levels above the basement so with their humidifier and fan going in their rooms for noise buffers they did OK with naps. Once we got through the studding it was pretty smooth sailing so good luck! We have a beautiful and huge playroom now, another bedroom, bath and I also had them drywall under the stairs for a little clubhouse for the boys. We went way over budget but it really was worth it. Good Luck!!!!! I know it stinks for naps but your kids will LOVE it once its done :) Ours was finished the night before their big Bday party so we moved all of their toys, set up new toys and did some finishing touches the night before the party so it was like one big Bday gift. I just love it and I SO hope yours turns out just how you want it too!!! Keep us posted :)
  5. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    OY! What a LONG week!!! I hope you survive!!! :hug99:

    It'll be great and a distant memory!!

    Oh, a thought....can you take a drive with them during naptime and then when they are asleep hang out in the car (didn't see where you live - heat and cool would be manageable with the motor running) and read a book or magazine or something to get at least ONE decent nap in? Just a thought!!

    Good luck!! Pics when finished please!~
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