It's early, but have you thought about your school morning routine?

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Jen620, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Jen620

    Jen620 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Annie is doing summer school so although it starts an hour later than school, it's like a dry run. All this week it's worked great, especially now that Ellie can dress herself.

    What we've been doing:
    ~~7:30 My alarm goes off and I wake up all the girls. (It will be 6:30 for school in September.)
    ~~We all go to eat breakfast, they get cereal or toast, something easy.
    ~~I eat much faster than they do, so I go shower when I'm done. I also put toothpaste on toothbrushes and leave them out.
    ~~By 8 I am out of the shower.
    ~~The girls finish breakfast, put their dishes in the sink, brush their teeth and get dressed. Annie will be in a uniform for school, and I hope to have the little girls' clothes picked out before bed.
    ~~I get dressed and do their hair and wash faces.
    ~~So far they have had time to play while I finished getting ready, like make up on a work day.
    For summer school we've left at 8:40; for school I think Jo's bus will be here about 7:45 and we can leave at 7:50 or after she's gone. Lunches will be made the night before and backpacks packed as well.

    Pretty much we've been ready to go in about an hour. I am so impressed by that considering it's just me and the girls and last year I got up at 6 to shower before they were up because I had to monitor breakfast and dress Ellie.

    What will your school routine be?
  2. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    We are in camp over the summer, and leave at 8. For school, the bus comes at 8:35, and we leave for it at 8:25 ish. So, we actually have more time during the school year. I usually wake first at home, and am showered before 7, so before anyone else (including DH) is even up. The boys get up on their own--I only have to wake them if they sleep later than 7:45, which is rare. They get dressed and ready before going downstairs. While they eat breakfast, I make lunches and snacks--the rest of the backpack is packed when homework is done the night before. They usually end up with 10-15 min. to watch some tv before we head out.
  3. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    School here starts Aug 7 (yes, you read that right--don't get me started). They built a new elementary school, which my girls will now attend. So far, they have not published the bus routes, so I don't actually know when I will have to get them up. :umm: I am assuming 6:30. They'll get up, we'll do breakfast, teeth, getting dressed and hair. I like to have plenty of time to get to the bus stop. That way we have some nice time together before school where we walk around at the bus stop and get their wiggles out. It's one of my favorite times of day, very relaxed and we have good conversations at the bus stop. I like to have a whole hour for them to eat and get ready, because I don't like to rush. It's much nicer that way.

    eta: I make their lunches in the morning while they set the table for breakfast. My sons make their own lunches.

    Some of this will change if I decide to go back to work.

    My sons get themselves ready. They actually leave earlier than the girls, despite the fact that teens naturally sleep later. Their school starts a good hour and a half before mine did when I was in high school. This gets high schoolers home before 3, and if they don't have jobs or younger siblings to babysit, they tend to walk around in large groups, bored. Great idea, that. <_< Not so much in my tiny neighborhood mostly filled with retirees, but where we used to live and the neighborhood before that.
  4. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    I usually end up getting up when my dh leaves for work and spend some time by myself but at 6:45 I take a shower and when I get out my girls are supposed to be dressed already. Then we go eat breakfast (while they are eating I am usually making lunches since for some reason I can never make them the night before). After breakfast it's time to brush teeth, get backpacks, and then socks and shoes on (I will also be getting my son ready to go while taking care of everything else too especially since he also likes to have his lunch packed and in his backpack even though he isn't in school yet he likes to walk down with it like the girls). I usually do their hair when everything is done. So if I have time they will get something more than a pony tail. I am hoping they are quicker than last year since we always seem to be rushing we have to start walking down to the school around 7:45, 7:50 the latest. The bell rings at 8 for them to get in line so the classes can head into school. I am very much into doing the girls hair now (thanks to who ever posted that hair blog in the twinstuff forum so I might have to wake my girls up earlier so I can do their hair some days. But we will see how things go this year compared to last year.
  5. Dani Boyle

    Dani Boyle Well-Known Member

    Our routine won't change any from what it is School starts for the kids at 8:55 and they get out at 3:40.

    5:15- My alarm goes off. I get up, get some caffeine. If I didn't make lunches night before I do it now.
    5:45- Shower, get dressed.
    6am- Wake kids up, brush teeth, dressed.
    6:25- Leave- kids go to neighbors for breakfast and she takes to camp/ school (YMCA has before/after school program they will go to, opens at 7am)
    6:30- I head to work, have to be there by 7am.
  6. newboygirltwinsmom

    newboygirltwinsmom Well-Known Member

    School registration is next week (yeah!!) and school starts August 12, I can't wait, lol.

    We have a pretty strict routine in the mornings as I have 5 school age kids.

    445 am I get up to have a few minutes peace before things get crazy.
    5 am my 7th grader gets up because she likes to take a long shower and needs time to do her hair.
    530 my 9th grader gets up to shower and dress and do any homework from the night before.
    6 am 6th grader gets up showers eats. complains about having to get dressed.
    630 one second grader gets up, showers dresses and complains about having to get up early.
    705 highschooler leaves for school
    710 middleschoolers leave for school
    715 other second grader gets up and I have to fight him into the tub and practically dress him.
    740 first second grader leaves for school.
    745 other second grader eats and relaxes while others are gone.
    810 last child leaves for school, and its pretty quiet around here.

    Of course during all of this, the babies will be getting up, changed, and fed.
  7. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    This year will be challenging as Nadia's kindergarten starts at 8am, and I'm used to her preschool starting at 9am. Plus, K&K will be going to preschool three mornings a week, and right now I'm used to them sleeping until Nadia has already left the house with my DH.


    6:00am -- I'll get up, shower and dress
    6:30am -- Get Nadia up, make her a breakfast smoothie (milk, yogurt, fruit, protein powder -- none of my kids will eat actual breakfast), teeth, poop (TMI?), dress, do hair
    7:20am -- Send Nadia out the door with my DH, who will drive her to school

    Grab quick breakfast for myself, then pack lunches for Kevan & Karina.

    7:45am -- Get K&K up, breakfast smoothies, change diapers and get them dressed, teeth
    8:45am -- Drive K&K to school. They'll eat dry cereal and a protein (string cheese?) in the car

    The good things are a) Nadia has a uniform, so I don't have to think about that, and b) her school provides lunch, so I don't have to pack it.

    It's possible my DH can come back home after dropping Nadia off, and can turn around and take K&K to school, so I wouldn't necessarily have to get up at 6am to shower. But, I want to take them to school, because I'll then be free to hang with some of the other moms who are friends of mine (still adjusting to the idea that I won't have babies at home!).

    ETA -- school starts August 19.
  8. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I'll have four to get off to school this year instead of two and then me on top of it! I have to get Kayci to one school for preK (she's in for speech) then Aaron and Scott to another elem school and Megan to the bus stop for middle school. Have no idea how we're going to do two school drop offs that start at the same time! The normal routine for my older two has been to be up by 6:30, eat then get dressed (because eating is a full contact sport for all of them), brush teeth, shoes on, backpacks in hand by 7:15. The days I have to be at school I'll get up by 6 and be showered by the time the kids get up. On clinical day I get up at 5 and am gone before they get up at 6:30. DH has to get them to school on time but I don't want to know how he does things or in what order! It would make me crazy.
  9. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I have honed my school routine for a few years, adding in kids as needed :)

    6am - I get up. Coffee, computer, volunteer work, etc
    7am - I get kids up
    7 - 7:30 - kids breakfast. I fill in/sign forms, go through school paper, more coffee.
    7:30 - 8:00 - kids dressed & bathroom stuff, lunches made.
    8 - 8:15 - older kids help with their lunches, younger kids get shoes, coats, backpacks & such.
    8:15 - bus for Patrick (& P & K this year)
    8:20 - older 2 leave for school
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