It seems to always be a fight ....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Holly Wiebe, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    OK, the boys are 2 tomorrow and I'm exhausted. They seem to fight me every time I try to change their diaper, get them dressed and I can't even imagine getting them to hold my hand when we go into a store. Generally they are happy boys, but bring out a diaper or a change of clothes and they run away laughing. Anyone else?

    Is there a way I can train them to hold my hand? When we try they collapse on the floor crying. Really would appreciate some input from someone that was in the same situation.


  2. heathernd

    heathernd Well-Known Member

    Holly, I am probably in the minority here, but I made mine stay in a stroller or shopping cart until they were 4 years old, and even now, when I go grocery shopping, they like to ride in the "car carts". My boys are 5 and small for their age, so as long as they fit, they can ride in them. As for the diaper/clothes changing....I think it's a phase that we all go through or have gone through. Maybe you could start teaching them how to dress themselves. It might be exciting enough to keep them from running away. Of course, you'll have to help them. Be patient and it will pass.
  3. Don2worrybhappy

    Don2worrybhappy Well-Known Member

    It seems like diaper changes and getting dressed has been a struggle for a few months now. I don't get it. Wouldn't you think that a dirty diaper would feel awful? Trying to get them lotioned, diapered and dressed after a bath is worse. I'm chasing them around, I might get an arm or a leg lotioned, then they're off.

    The holding hand thing, too. What is it? Why is that so terrible? I don't give them a choice (at least with the older ones, we're not quite there yet with the twins). If they're gonna cry, so be it. I tell them that they have to. Sometimes I offer up a reward if they be nice, like that packette of M&Ms that we just bought, you don't have to wait until after dinner. Or, if they brought a beloved stuffed animal, I threaten to take it if they're not going to be nice. You can always get a kid leash! I used to think that these were awful things. Now, after having kids, I can totally understand them (especially in high risk places like amusement parks or airports). I've never used one myself, but I'd rather my kids be safe.
  4. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    You are definitely not alone in the diaper/clothing struggles.... I dread it every day :(
    I have b/g 14 month twins and you would think that diaper changes and clothing changes are similar to torture! My son poops 3-5 times a day which isn't so bad in itself, but when you have to wrestle him like an alligator (he is 28 pounds) things get a bit tough! My daughter just screams, twists and turns.... she is not as strong as him though so I can manage her a lot easier. And getting dressed after baths........... Ugggg! I pretty much have nothing left by that point and that is probably the biggest struggle of the day. Sometimes lotion is just skipped when they are at their worst.

    Sorry no advice, but misery loves company!! :blush:

    You are definitely not alone in the diaper/clothing struggles.... I dread it every day :(
    I have b/g 14 month twins and you would think that diaper changes and clothing changes are similar to torture! My son poops 3-5 times a day which isn't so bad in itself, but when you have to wrestle him like an alligator (he is 28 pounds) things get a bit tough! My daughter just screams, twists and turns.... she is not as strong as him though so I can manage her a lot easier. And getting dressed after baths........... Ugggg! I pretty much have nothing left by that point and that is probably the biggest struggle of the day. Sometimes lotion is just skipped when they are at their worst.

    Sorry no advice, but misery loves company!! :blush:
  5. Millie&twins

    Millie&twins Well-Known Member

    We were lucky not to have big diaper and clothes wars here, but the hand holding...
    I am very matter of factly and we still had a buggy always with us until 3 months ago (they will be 4 soon). If they wanted to walk they could, but had to hold onto the buggy. If they didn't then they were not ready for walking and would be strapped into the buggy. Of course I am known around amy area as the mommy with the screaming twins because they would throw a tantrum when they were strapped in, but I don't care. If they are not ready for walking with "big kids rules", they will have to follow the baby rules.
    Actually I was lucky that we started to do this about a year and a bit ago and by now they are very good with it, because in my state (24 months pregnant as of today) I cannot push them anymore. But when we still had the buggy they would at least once a week be strapped in. They seem to learn rather slowly it seems!
    Also, if they start huffing and puffing close enough to home, we just go back. Our supermarkets don't close until late and if it is necessary my husband or I will go after the boys are in bed.
  6. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    Millie I hope you are 24 weeks pregnant and not 24 months :p

    I know what you mean, I am 19 weeks pregnant and I am starting to get out of breath pushing my 14 mo twins who weigh 22 & 27 pounds.
  7. Lindyloo

    Lindyloo Well-Known Member

    with the diapering it helped me moving the change table to another room. they used to fight and struggle and i just moved the table to the living room so i wouldn't have to leave one balling by himself. it has been better. i give them a bottle of water or milk which is working. i have a store of things which they are normally not allowed (remote control, little clock, paint brushes, cream containers etc..) to hold . I undo the diapers so i can be as quick as possible. Sometimes they lose it but it has been better.
  8. Holly Wiebe

    Holly Wiebe Well-Known Member

    We gave up having them lie down to change diapers quite a while ago. Standing up looking at a movie or cartoon works better. However they will still run laughing sometimes.

    I think maybe we will just have to practice (at home) with them holding our hands and walking. We have also given up on our tandem stroller - they just scream if we put them in. Instead we put them in a store cart, one in the front and one in the baby part if the cart doesn't sit two. That works for now. And yet somehow if the one in the front is standing and we tell him to sit down, he does! Without fighting! Yet just forget the diapering.

  9. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    With the diapering, I try my darndest to distract them. Often it still works (though sometimes it is still wrestling an alligator).

    Recently they've been obsessed with trying to put their own shoes & socks on -- so if I let them do that on the changing table, at least they are holding their feet up in the air long enough for me to wipe up all the poop. (Then the struggle is to get them to put their legs back DOWN so I can fasten the diaper.)

    No great ideas on the hand-holding. Mine are still small enough that in a pinch, I can pick them both up (though it's usually just one at a time). In a situation where it's too scary to risk them getting free (parking lot, etc.), I use the stroller.
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