It seems like they're sick so often...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by wvtwinmama, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. wvtwinmama

    wvtwinmama Well-Known Member

    Hi all.

    Does anyone else feel like their babies are sick a lot this winter? My 7.5-month-olds have had colds, and pink eye, and now one of them has a double ear infection. All in the last couple of months! I still nurse them, which I had hoped would help protect them, but it just seems like one or the other is sick all the time, and as soon as they get over one thing it's on to the next. My sister is their nanny so they arent in daycare, but they do spend lots of time with their toddler and school aged cousins.

    Anyone else feel like twins get sick more often because they pass things back-and-forth? I feel so bad for them and just want them to be better. :-(
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine never got sick until they were about 8-9 months, and then I think they were sick for the next two years it felt like! It was ridiculous. But, the more illnesses they get right now the more their immune systems will be able to fend off later. It's hard to bear, but it will get better some time, I promise!
  3. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    Rayce recently got over a cold and ear infection; at the same time, Ryin had RSV and an ear infection. Not soon after, they started coughing again and still a little wheezy.
  4. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear that. But if your kids hang out with toddler and school aged kids, they will get germs from those kids. The big kids aren't sick. But they carry germs, viruses,.. But their immune systems are strong and they don't get sick. However, your kids will I'd they get the germs...

    I agreed with pp. the first 2 yrs seemed like try got sick constantly (like weekly or monthly). But after that, they will be stronger. My kids still get sick but not that bad. Usually they got over it like 1 day or 2. Before it took them like 1-2 weeks to get over a cold. So hang in there. Hugs!!!

    Btw, ask the big kids wash hands more often when they are around your kids. It's a pain but if they can wash off and change clothes when they see your kids, it'd be the best
  5. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    My boys just turned one and I swear we have all been sick for the month of January. DH got a cold and then we all had it for two weeks. Nobody got croup or ear infections but I did take them to the Dr to be sure. Then, we were better for like a week and he got the flu, then the boys got it and now I have it. I am sooo grateful I didn't have it during their "barf-ageddon" but it still kinda stinks now because I feel terrible and they want to play, play, play (including for three hours in the middle of the night last night when I REALLY needed sleep :(). I am also BFing and was wondering why they are still getting sick but I guess it's just a part of life. I hope their immune systems are getting super strong and we can reap the benefits if these early illnesses later on. In the mean time, know you aren't alone. I'm groaning right with ya!
  6. j-squared

    j-squared Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I think the immunity boost of breastfeeding has been over exaggerated. My first was exclusively breastfed and was sick all the time. My twins are mixed fed (breast & formula) and have had fewer illnesses than my first.

    I think how often they get sick has more to do with the time of year (with winter being the worst), where one lives and exposure (and less to do with breastfeeding or not).

    My first went to daycare 2-3 days a week and was sick all the time from when he started at 4 months. We also went out a lot more with him.

    My twins stay home with a nanny and even though they go out they have far less exposure to other kids and public places. We don't get out as much on weekends to play places, etc, with all the kids like we did with #1.

    Pretty much every illness my twins have had (and we've been pretty lucky this winter, with a couple of colds early in the fall then nothing again until a couple of weeks ago where everyone was REALLY sick with fevers) my older son has brought home from daycare. He always seems to be patient zero.

    FWIW, my 3-year-old seems to have a much better immune system now. The virus that gave the twins high fevers only gave him a low-grade temp and he was down for one day (in comparison to 4-5 very rough days for the babies).
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