It seems like there is always a drawback--a few more questions

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MarchI, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    We are now on one nap a day 1230-230/3 and down to 2 bottles a day but they are also now waking up at 5am and going back to sleep. Any tips for keeping them asleep longer? I think the temps the past few days which cause the a/c to be on all the time are making them cooler. While I am asking, any tips for blankets at this age? Sleep sacks are too small and they do not like to keep covered. I have considered duct tape to keep the blankets attached.
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my girls kick their blankets off all the time & it's never been much of a problem. some times they'll wake in the middle of the night because they're cool so i'll just go in & tuck them back in & that's usually all that's needed. i would be concerned about duct taping the blankets in/on because they could get tangled & then not be able to get out.
  3. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    You can buy larger sized sleep sacks with feet if you don't think your LOs are ready for blankets (mine weren't at that age). Halo makes some that come in fleece and a lighter fabric for summer. Be warned: they are HUGE! I bought the smallest size they make; I got them probably a year ago and my boys *still* don't fit in them. *I* could practically wear them! :lol:

    This past winter I had the Blankease ones from One Step Ahead and they were perfect for our cold Michigan nights. :good:

    My guys are *very* sensitive to temperature; I swear if it's 1 degree hotter or cooler than they like they will night-wake. :rolleyes: Perhaps your LOs are the same way. :pardon:
  4. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I was joking about the duct tape. I will look into the halo sleep sacks and the one step ahead product. I didn't know those were so large. I assumed they were all the same.
  5. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    The boys were waking up too when the AC would go on and make their room freezing cold. We just got a magnetic vent cover for their room, we can remove it or put it on 3/4 of the way if need be but most of the time it's covered! Their room is always the coldest in the summer, warmest in the winter!
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Last summer, we also used the larger halo sleep sacks for the kids and they worked well. Good luck, I hope they help your kiddos sleep longer.
  7. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :blush: sorry! tone is so hard to guess online.
  8. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    We have always just used fleece sleepers with feet since my two won't keep the blankets on either. I don't know what we are going to do, though, when they outgrow the largest footed pajamas! We use the fleece even in the summer because our house is colder in the summer than it is in the winter with the a/c going to combat the 95 degree heat. At the age of your two and well before that, actually we would not get the kids out of bed until a reasonable time for us (6:30 then, 7:00 now). Sometimes they woke up really early but nobody was coming to get them until 6:30 and they learned that pretty quickly. Not the time, obviously, but that crying would do no good and that they could either talk and play or go back to sleep. Now they wake up at about 6:45 pretty much everyday and we get them up at 7:00. It sounds mean but I do it for naps, bedtime and wake-up - I don't really care what they do (although usually it is sleep) but they are in their cribs at 7:30 at night (earlier at 1 year old), in their cribs at 12:00 until 2:30 no matter what, and in their cribs until 7:00 in the morning.
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