It only took 16 months for me to do it on my own!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marcy874, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    Today I dropped off Wilson (our 9lb Poodle-****zu mix) at the groomers with both girls in tow. I know a lot of you are brave twin mommies who go out all the time with your twins by yourself, but I'm not normally that way. He goes every 6 weeks and this is the 1st time since the twins were born that I wasn't able to work out a sitter to watch the girls so I could take him and then run errands. Anyway, we made it and it wasn't so bad. I think we were in and out in 20 minutes. Isn't it funny how 2 little beings can cause their own mother to be so nervous?? Just wanted to share my "accomplishment." Thanks for listening! [​IMG]

  2. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    Marcy- it gets easier once you get a routine down! You should do it more often! Way to go though!
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    It does get easier. Congrats on your first time! [​IMG]
  4. 2IrishBlessings

    2IrishBlessings Well-Known Member

    YAYYYYYY!! Like the Previos post said it does get easier and soon you will be a PRO at it.
  5. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear you survived [​IMG] Now you're going to get brave!!!
  6. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I know a lot of you are brave twin mommies who go out all the time with your twins by yourself, but I'm not normally that way.

    I too am nervous about taking them out. I will often dream of fun great things that we can do alone, however, when it comes down to it, I'm either exhausted just thinking about getting to and from, or, I come up with reasons to stay home. I keep telling myself that when they are potty trained, I will do it! I often feel stuck at home!
  7. kimr

    kimr Well-Known Member

    Just for that reason, we started using a grooming service that comes to your house. They are double what we'd pay bringing our dog to a groomer, but it was worth it (we have a 100lb rottweiler and I think I'd have a hard time bringing him dragging his paws and the girls into the groomer). I just cancelled our service (part of my crack down on expenses now that I went part time) and we are going to start taking him again.
  8. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    Yeah [​IMG] Don't feel alone! I'm still scared to take the boys out by myself too!
  9. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Marcy [​IMG] [​IMG] GO GIRL!! You are now free to move about the City!!! [​IMG] Keep it up and you'll get the hang of it!!

    (FWIW - I hate taking my kids with me to drop the dog off. He's SO stressed that it makes it harder on me and to have them there just compounds the problem!)
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