It hurts.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Fossie, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Both of my kids have started saying everything hurts - my foot hurts, my hair hurts, my back hurts (when it is wet from the pool), etc. So, I haven't really been too concerned about dd when she says "pee pee hurts." But, I have noticed that she has started squatting a lot when she says it, and has also started telling me she "went poo poo" or "need new dipey" when she didn't/doesn't. This is a child who only a couple of weeks ago hated having her diaper changed and now drags me over to the changing area and lays contently until I change her diaper. She is still having good urine output, etc. but I am worried that maybe it really does hurt her to pee pee? Are there any other signs of an infection that I should be on the look-out for or should I take her to the doctor and request a urine test, or just assume that she is learning what it feels like to have to use the bathroom and just might be uncomfortable these days in wet diapers?
  2. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I have to say, when my guys learned to say/sign "hurt" they did go through a phase of using it a lot (even when I don't think anything really was hurting). :pardon: Is she constipated? We had a few months of constipation for both boys, and they would sign hurt when they pooped or tried to poop. Maybe your DD isn't 100% sure of the difference between pee and poop. Otherwise you could ask the ped what to look for with a UTI, which can also cause painful peeing.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [quote name='Nate and Jack's Mom' date='08 July 2010 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1278609696' post='1662432']
    I have to say, when my guys learned to say/sign "hurt" they did go through a phase of using it a lot (even when I don't think anything really was hurting). :pardon: Is she constipated? We had a few months of constipation for both boys, and they would sign hurt when they pooped or tried to poop. Maybe your DD isn't 100% sure of the difference between pee and poop. Otherwise you could ask the ped what to look for with a UTI, which can also cause painful peeing.
    I agree with Valerie. I know my son's big thing for a while was "my tummy hurts" and it was hard for us to figure out if it did really hurt or was he just trying out a new phase. 99% of the time it was trying out the new phrase but the one night he had really bad gas and he was right that he was hurting. I would think if you are still concerned or unsure, definitely contact your pedi.
  4. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Funny you posted this I was wondering the same thing. Gavin has learned owie and uses it when he bonks his head and other times, but does seem to say it a lot. I was thinking that maybe he is just excited (and I am too) that he can express himself but at the same time I am never sure how much of it is real or serious. We have a doctor appointment tomorrow and it is on my list of things to ask about.
  5. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Signs of a bladder infection in a child if not caught right at the beginning are usually nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, fever. The pain is much worse than just saying it hurts and usually they will cry while peeing. It is really common for little girls to get some irritation down there so a little vaseline or A & D in the area of the urethra at diaper changes and when she complains might help. I also agree with the fact that she could be constipated. Maybe step up the fruits and hold back on cheese/bananas for a couple days and see if that helps.
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