It happened- bday party invite to only one

Discussion in 'Childhood and Beyond (4+)' started by Leighann, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Since the girls are in separate classes, I knew this would happen so I shouldn't be surprised. Ana got an invite in the mail yesterday for a bday party (happens to be her new best friend Paul). It's on a Tuesday from 4 to 5:30, which isn't a huge problem but it will mean I will have to leave from work early to pick her up from the sitter and leave Meara at the sitter late (I usually pick them up at 5). If it weren't for her "new best friend" I probably would decline the invite. I haven't told her yet and I don't know what to tell Meara about it too. Maybe I can ask the sitter to do something special with Meara that afternoon.

    I know there have been a million of these threads in here, so I apologize. I just needed to talk it out with people who understand.
  2. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    :hug: oh. no! Expect tears... H & N are seperated this year for preschool. We haven't had this happen yet but we've talked about it. There have been tears when their big sister had birthday parties they weren't invited to, I can only guess it will be worse when it is one of them's going to happen and they will be fine.

    We have a related issue here - their birthday party is on the 25th. We've talked about the fact that some will know they are twins and some won't, that their will be (possibly) some joint presents or some may bring two presents, and that there will not be an equal number of attendees per class. Hannah ended up with more kids in her class from their joint class last year than Natalie - I don't know if/how that will make a difference. For that reason, and time issues (2 hour limit) we aren't opening presents at the party. I'm expecting one to get more, I've tried to prepare them for it, also still expecting hurt feelings. *sigh*

    I like the idea of something special at the sitter's. A new craft/game? What about taking cupcakes for her & the sitter (& will their be other kids still there?)

    Good Luck Mama!
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Why not pick up M & just go hang out with her? Get icecream, go to the park, whatever. She can have some special "Mommy time" after you drop off A?
  4. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    This a great idea .. if possible. I remember the first time it happened .. Jayden was VERY insulted that his brother wasn't invited but I had to explain to him that it's going to happen. He had a great time .. and Jesse got to hang out with his big sister.

    Good luck !
  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I don't think I can just drop A off at a 4 year old bday party :(

    I like the cupcake idea for M and the sitter (our sitter only watches them so no other kids). and sheyl good luck with your girls' party!
  6. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    :hug: It might not be a huge drama/upset. If you explain it in an upbeat way, and stress that Meara will get her turn at going to a party on her own too they may take their cues from you. I know that with my girls there was more upset the first time one came home with a special sticker than the first time one went to a party alone (really!) and N & L weren't bothered by it at all. Admittedly pretty much all the parties have been at the weekend so it was easy for their parents to split them up and for one to have special time with mum or dad.
    Cupcakes with the sitter sounds like a good idea to take the sting out a bit. Or does she have any friends from school (or outside school) who you know well enough that she could go to a playdate at their house on her own?
  7. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    I'm not looking foward to this either my daughters started preschool this year and are in different classes also, one of my dd has a best friend now and other dd does not yet:( So im waiting for a playdate/party invite for Rylee anytime now. I dont know if I could do it my other Daughter Reese is super sensitive I know it would bother her and Rylee if it was the other way around:( I feel for you, good luck!!!
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. I'm going to talk to our sitter about it tomorrow. There is a new tea place in our town where kids can dress up for a little tea party. Or maybe pedicures. Unfortunately our friends that we could do a drop off play date are not local and it's erly in the school year so we are just meeting new people, but in the future I like that idea too.
  9. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    All is right with our world again... Meara just got an invite to her favorite school friend's birthday party! Same week!
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  10. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    How perfect is that? You'll have to let us know how the actual parties go with only one girl, and who ends up having more fun - the b'day party kid or the one who gets special time with the sitter.
  11. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    That's great that everything worked out! But yikes on the birthday-party-during-the-workday -- I hope that isn't a regular occurrence.
  12. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We didn't get that till they were 5 and then it was a b/g thing. So glad it worked out!!! :yahoo:

    We still get tears when we aren't invited to any and all parties! But, they do get over it. Martin's friend got to invite ONE friend to do something for his bday and he chose Martin, that's really special, but I still got tears from Alison... she's over it now, but at first she was bummed! Human nature!
  13. hellybelly

    hellybelly Well-Known Member

    We've had this loads of times now :( The kids found it really difficult to start with, but they're getting used to it now and I do try to do something special with the one who hasn't been invited, but it always ends up a competition about who had the most fun! Guess it will never be easy.
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