It finally happened

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dfaut, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Well, he's been putting his leg over the crib for about a week so I knew it was coming. I gave him stern warnings "NO" :) (gee wasn't that enough :p ) so today at nap time he was pretty upset and not wanting to lie down and sure enough. I hear a HUGE THUMP and he was crying. I ran upstairs knowing EXACTLY what I would find.

    He was really upset and scared (will this scare him enough to not do it again!?) and actually let me hold him which he is usually too mad too do when he hurts himself. Well Ali saw that Martin was getting held by Mommy because he was upset so she got herself all worked up so she could get held (clever little one!).

    I am pretty confident he didn't fall on his head, but he laid down on his little pillow with his lovie right away and that has me worried. He always plays with his cars (yeah, like 15 in there with him at all times - almost the whole cast of Cars!) before going down for his nap. Can't decide what to do. I'm waiting a few more min. and then I'll check on him.

    So now we have the question, do I tent my little destruction man (he's in "that" phase :rolleyes: ) or do we start the bed thing. I am really not ready for the bed thing, but worried about the tents - I see all the posts about ripping etc. - he would have the thing ($$) in shreds I fear! What to do?!
  2. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    I suggest the tents. Ours are pretty shredded but it's taken them about a year to do their damage. I can't even tell you the peace of mind they've brought.
  3. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Marie, tent him in! I too am dreading that day, but I also know that they could have already done it if they really wanted to. Luckily Ryan LOVES his naps and Sofia is convinced Mommy has to help her out of bed.
  4. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would try the tents too. I am amazed (knock on wood) mine have not done the same already! But that may have scared him enough to not try it again. :hug99:
  5. katie c

    katie c Well-Known Member

    Would love to say that it has proberly scared him but I shouldn't think it has. The tents sound like a good idea.
    Hope he was ok though
  6. tbpmtb

    tbpmtb Well-Known Member

    I would start using the crib tents. We didn't (my dh was opposed to them), but my friend did, and she said that they were a lifesaver. Of course, they will for sure figure out how to unzip them, but until then, they do get used to them, and they even remind you to zip them up if you've forgotten.

    Our sons climbed out of their cribs at about 18 months of age. Both of them were scared enough not to ever climb out again!!! For a while after climbing out, I put a bunch of pillows and blankets around their cribs. We were about to move out, and did not want to invest in new solutions, until we figured out how their new room would be like. I do not recommend this solution, I just thought I'd mention it to show that yes, sometimes they do get scared enough to try a stunt like that again.

    Hope this helps.
  7. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I hope he is ok. If both parties aren't ready (children and parents) then I firmly believe crib tents are the way to go. Ours got beat up enough so that I would not give them away to anyone when we were done but they worked efficiently. I had to keep coming up with new tricks when things happened like unzipping or with the pack n play one they learned how to unclip so I actually superglued the clips to the PnP. Anyway, there are ways to our mastermind almost anything they can dream up.

    I was not ready when we had our first climb, I knew I couldn't give the transition the patience/attention it needed to make it successful so I stuck with the tents for everyone's sanity!
  8. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    We never did the crib tents, once our kids got to that point we just switched them to beds. I'm glad the little guy was alright! I was scared to death the first time my boys climbed out of the cribs, I had their toddler beds up the next day.
  9. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Oh no! How scary that sound must have been, Di. Ugh. You know if you move him to a bed, you have to move her to a bed. Are you ready for that? We aren't. So, if one of my girls try to climb out, the tents are going up. No questions about it.

    How has he been acting tonight?
  10. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Oh no Diane! I hope he's ok. I think I would get the crib tent if you're not ready for the beds yet. I'm still hoping to hold out another 6 months or so on the bed transition!
  11. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about the fall! I hope all is okay now. Personally, I would go with the tent. I hope to keep mine in their cribs till they are 3. But it depends on what you are comfortable with.
  12. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    I"m glad to hear that he is ok Diane! Kids seem to be more resiliant than parents when it comes to things like that. I this is scares us more than it does them. Ha!

    I don't have any advice as to beds or tents. My girls LOVE their cribs and lay right down and either play or go to sleep. So, we haen't encountered the whole climbing out thing (which I'm really shocked b/c they have the dressers attached to their crib and I'm SURE it would be easy for them to figure out).

    Goodluck with whatever you decide.
  13. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    I'd go with the tents too. We will be buying one if Maddox manages to go all the way. He for several months has swung his leg over the edge. We've found him hanging many times and even standing completely on top of a rail against the wall. So far he hasn't fallen. But I will keep them in cribs for as long as possible. It can just turn into such a PITA when they switch to big beds. They get up in the middle of the night. They get up early. They won't go to sleep. I hope Martins feeling ok?
  14. CandRMom

    CandRMom Active Member

    OW! Hope Martin is ok!!

    Colin fell out, once. (about 6 months ago) It was in the morning so his brother witnessed the whole thing, and since that time, neither one has tried it.

    But I plan to keep them in cribs as long as possible too!!!
  15. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Oh no, I hope you're little one is alright! It's a tough choice, crib tents vs beds??

    With Gabe, I went on and transitioned him to a toddler bed at 2. He did really well thinking back on it. I do still use a baby gate to his door way because I don't want him wandering. He can get over it, but at least I would hear him leaving his room.

    Another alternative, how about letting the side down on his bed? That way if he falls, it wouldn't be so far. But it could also promote the idea of climbing out on his own.

    I just don't know what to tell ya, other than your wise advice...go with your gut!
  16. **Sandy**

    **Sandy** Well-Known Member

    My girls have been climbing into their cribs this week. :rolleyes: They both put their legs on the rail like they are going to climb out but have not climbed out yet. But, DH & I have decided that we are going ahead with the toddler bed transition this weekend. I hope we do not regret it, but we think it is time. I think my girls are ready for the transition and I think they will like their new beds. The crib tents may be a better idea, but the thought of them gives me claustrophobia, so I just can't do it.
  17. traceyru

    traceyru Well-Known Member

    colin fell out when he was about 6 months and he didn't cry hayden did, it made me nervous so i bought him to the hospital just to have him checked out, he was fine, the dr said he fell on the front of his head which is the hardest part of the head, he never tried it again.
  18. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Thanks Everyone!! He is fine, but I blew it when I went in to check on him. Ali caught me and started wailing when I tried to leave. Then I did something I have never done before. I took her out of her crib and laid her on my bed and laid down next to her. I got a little more sleep out of her. She was up SUPER early yesterday, so I had to get a little nap out of her. I won't be doing it again soon, but I enjoyed my time lying down with my DD. So sweet!!

    My Husband jokingly says "It's time for beds I guess! Why don't you work on that next week?" (The joke is he's been traveling during the week for almost 2 mos. now and will be gone next week too!) I think I'll order the crib tents. I won't put Ali's on till she attempts the jump!

  19. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad I found your post! My boys will be 18 mos on the 22nd of this month and today Ian climbed right out of his crib at naptime!!! OMG! I totally thought they were too young for this....wrong!! He didn't fall or cry at all. He just came WALKING down the hallway, like ok let's play. Let me know where you end up getting your crib tents from. Ian already knows how to unzip and zip, so I'm not sure it will be any good for him but I'm willing to look into it!
    Good luck on your end too!!

  20. monie rose

    monie rose Well-Known Member

    When my oldest ds started doing that I was getting anxious for him to use a toddler bed. So for his 2nd birthday he got 1. Of course I needed the crib soon because I was preggers. They say you can have use a toddle bed when a child is 2. I also was told to get the child used to it first by putting it in their room. I did that with Trent on his birthday and when I checked on him that night he was sleeping in his big boy bed and never slept in the crib again. Just a suggestion of what I did. Toddler beds are lower and have no rails that they climb up and over, so they don't fall.
  21. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(Faith00 @ Apr 12 2007, 03:47 PM) [snapback]217083[/snapback]
    I'm so glad I found your post! My boys will be 18 mos on the 22nd of this month and today Ian climbed right out of his crib at naptime!!! OMG! I totally thought they were too young for this....wrong!! He didn't fall or cry at all. He just came WALKING down the hallway, like ok let's play. Let me know where you end up getting your crib tents from. Ian already knows how to unzip and zip, so I'm not sure it will be any good for him but I'm willing to look into it!
    Good luck on your end too!!


    They are $$$!! I bought 1 from Amazon (the "other people listed) and there was one "new or used" from another vendor and it was new for $35!! B) So I only bought one. The crazy thing is that he loves his crib. He sometimes asks to get in!! Go figure!! I'm just not ready for beds! :)

    Thanks all!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!
  22. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I am glad he is doing alright. I have to be honest and say that we would probably transition to beds, going against the better advice of the experienced moms here. BUT, my kids are in separate rooms, and miraculously stay still and go right to sleep when we put them down. That might change, but that's where we are at now. They haven't even thought twice about trying to climb out. But I am naive to think that it won't ever happen.

    Glad you found a tent for him though. I am going to want to hear how he reacts to it!!!
  23. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member

    Ouch! I hope Martin is feeling better.

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ Apr 12 2007, 11:50 PM) [snapback]217631[/snapback]
    I have to be honest and say that we would probably transition to beds, going against the better advice of the experienced moms here.

    This is what we did. My kiddos weren't climbing out, but we needed the crib for Oliver (I think you responded to that post, so you already know that :D ). Even though I really didn't want to make the switch (DH took the lead on this one), it went REALLY well. We had no issues with bedtime sleep. We think Natalie fell out once, but she didn't cry or even wake up. We just found her asleep on the floor next to the bed in themorning. They talked and "played" before falling asleep when they were in their cribs and it wasn't any different with the beds... 15 minutes or so of playing and then sound asleep. As far as naps, we had two days where they played for a long time before actually falling asleep (but they did go to sleep). After that, no issues at all.

    That's probably more info than you wanted. But, if you find that the tents aren't working, don't fear the bed transition too much. I stressed about it far to much and it turned out great.

  24. jem0622

    jem0622 Well-Known Member

    I experienced this with my boys, and wish that I used the crib tents with them. We use them for the girls and I am so glad.
    I am definitely putting off big girl beds as long as possible, and I feel it is for their safety and for the better of everyone in our household. JMHO.
  25. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    FaithOO I have an Ian too! He is almost three though.

    If you are worried about them unzipping them I have a friend that used a diaper pin to keep in closed.

    We did not do tents. We moved to bed at about two. It was not until we took away binkies that we had troubles with nap times. Also, Vince moved into a bed about a month before Ian did. Vince was ready and wanted to and Ian was not. He would lay down in his bed for a bit and then tell us he was ready for "bed"

    To be honest it did happen before I expected it too, but it jsut kind of happened.
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