Issue with Potty-training and daycare

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by zigzagity, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. zigzagity

    zigzagity Member

    I asked Daycare today when they start potty-training. They said not until the kids get to the 2 yr old room. Mine will be around 18 months when their new sibling arrives.

    While we're not trying to FORCE them to potty-train, we are familarizing them with the little toilet (the LOVE sitting on it and 'pretending' to be mommy) and would like to start putting them on it diaper free several times while at home and on the weekends..... and see what happens.

    Well, what happens if they start potty-training, and asking to go to the bathroom? I've already asked the staff at daycare and they said that becuase of the teacher to kid ratio and there not being a bathroom IN the classroom, they wouldn't be able to take them out to go....

    I asked about possibly moving them up to the 2 yr. old classroom for a few hours a day IF they show interest in potty-training, but I need to talk to the Director about that, and that would be very dependant on THAT classrooms teacher/kid ratio and if they have the room to take them.

    WWYD?? I really want to try to potty-train them (w/o forcing them) before their sibling arrives, but if daycare isn't going to cooperate, is it even worth it to try??
  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I would say that 18 months is really ambitious for potty training. Not saying that it can't happen. I've also heard that often children regress when a new sibling comes into the picture. It's up to you if you want to try, but I wouldn't push the daycare into moving them to a 2yr old class. IMO there is a pretty big difference between 18 month old child and 2 yr old child. Also, it's great that you are ready to PT, but you really need to look for signs that your kids are also ready.

    Good luck with your endeavor!
  3. zigzagity

    zigzagity Member

    Well, as I said, we're not forcing them to do anything. We're just experimenting..... They already show some signs in that they'll cry when they are dirty, or even wake up earlier in the morning if they've dirtied their diaper... They show eagerness towards getting on the toilet and sitting on it correctly, they know to get a roll of toilet paper and take it with them (okay we didn't TEACH them that, they just did it!) to sit on the toilet....

    Yes I know it's ambitious, but we've had other family members who were actually potty trained by 12 months of age (completely potty trained) so we are *hoping* that our two will follow suite.

    Again, we don't have HIGH expectations and are keeping it realistic, I was just asking in the 'what if' scenario what we should do......

    Putting the cart before the horse - probably, but what's the point in even attempting if daycare isn't willing to help out??? THAT would be 100 times more frustrating than the twinkies not being ready.
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My youngest, Alex, started potty training at 16 months. He's perfect right now (except if I put a diaper on him, he doesn't keep it dry because he knows it's a diaper). I had all my kids potty trained well before 2, and I didn't force them or anything. I also potty trained my oldest when my second was 2 weeks old, just because. So, there isn't always regression, and I don't think you need to "expect" regression, just don't be too surprised if there is some.

    I get frustrated at people who discourage anybody about when to try. What age were you potty trained at? And most people on here? I'm willing to bet the answer is probably closer to 1 than 3. My sisters and I were all done well before 18 months. So, I say do it if you want. As far as the daycare thing, talk to the director and see if she'll work with you on this. Again, it's not fair to have others make that decision for you. And maybe if you start trying you might find they're not ready yet, but maybe they will be and then, YAY! Good luck!
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I don't think it can hurt to have a potty out at home, just for them to get used to it, but if daycare isn't going to go along, I wouldn't expect much progress. It's too bad that they aren't able to work with you, but it's understandable that they're not really set up for kids under 2 to start using the potty. (Mine only did because they're the youngest in their class -- the whole class started practicing with the potty when the oldest ones turned 2.)
  6. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    This would have concerned me too if my boys were trying to potty train at that age. My oldest dd was trained before she was 2 yrs old so its not so unusual.. it depends on the child. I wuold certainly talk to the director and voice an opinion about not being able to accomodate a child that is willing to potty train before they turn 2. Ours certainly did .. they were very supportive of my boys training and were actually trained BEFORE they got into the pre-school area at 2.9 yrs.
    I hope you can get this matter straightend out. :winking0009:
  7. zigzagity

    zigzagity Member

    Well we're about to find out becuase this morning, DD #1 had a bone dry diaper when I went to change her. She waited for the diaper to come off, stood up on the changing pad (I'll usually throw the dirty/old diaper in the can before putting the new one on) squatted and proceeded to pee all over the changing pad!!

    So, tomorrow morning we will change diapers at the little potty, and see what happens and go from there......

    I've spoken with the Director once already and was told no, they won't potty train (or even attempt to make accomodations) before 2. The earliest they will move to the 2 yr. room is when they are 21 months. That bites becuase they are only 15 months right now. I need to look at the set-up in the 2yr old room though becuase I'm told they have a restroom right there in their room. Well, the toddler room actually has a restroom as well, so unless the toilets are out in the open in the 2 yr. old room (which I doubt) then there's really no difference. Only difference I can really see is that in the toddler area, the toilets do not have the smaller seats on top, they are the same kind you'd see at kindergarten or whatever (so the hole is probably to big for someone just starting out....)

    But if they start on their own, I'll push the issue a little more. Other than this one fact, we're pretty happy with the daycare they are going to, it's just a downer that I *could* have them out of diapers by the time their sibling arrives, but probably won't just becuase of someone else.....
  8. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Mine showed interest at 18 mos. - it MIGHT be a passing fancy, but it might not be! I would just put them on there whenever you feel like it!! Can't hurt, and I think it's a little early otherwise. :hug99:
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