is walker good or bad?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by w101ttd, Aug 25, 2010.

  1. w101ttd

    w101ttd Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking of getting them a walker beside their exersaucer and jumperoo. However, I heard its not good for babies hips and development. Is it true? Do/did you have one? My boy loves to play and he's so so hyper. I need him to burn all his engery before feeding haha.he doesn't want to eat, always playing.thanks
  2. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    We had one that we used occasionally (less than an hour per day). Our OT just had us put a pillow under it so they weren't extending their leg straight. She said that is when it is bad for the hips is the constant reaching down. HTH!
  3. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    Thisis what I found and thought was helpful. I have 4 walkers. 2 at home, 2 at the sitter's. I use them sensibly as part of our daytime play routine.
  4. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My guys aren't walking independently yet at 15 months, and I am not sure whether the walker had anything to do with that... but I think it did help them get the idea that they could cross a room on 2 legs rather than crawling, if that makes sense. Now they will crawl over to the walker to get where they want to go. They don't use it very often.. they'll walk across the room, get bored... crawl away.
  5. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I personally didn't do walkers because of safety reasons. That's just me. I know of others who have had them and loved them. The whole hip/development issue is people using them as the babysitter-so the kids are in there for extended periods of time, thus inhibiting them vs helping them.

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I have a walker but I dont use it that often. It's not b/c I dont approve it's just that the girls dont like it. They have more fun sitting in a laundry basket (the OT told us to use one to build back/trunk tone for sitting). We were told not to use the walker for more then 1hr a day.
  7. Eribour

    Eribour Well-Known Member

    My parents had a walker at their house for my oldest daughter. She was desperate to be mobile!!! Yhe moment she was put in it and realized she could move---zoom. She was off and as happy as can be. She just made one last weekend (the twins are only 11 months behind) and she has been walking since she made 11 months. The walker of course is no longer in use, but I will make sure I have one for the twins, based on how much Sophie enjoyed it.
  8. PinkDiamonds

    PinkDiamonds Well-Known Member

    I used it with DD but I limited her time on it to less than 30 minutes a day. It made her happy knowing she could use her legs to get around the house, but I doubt it helped her learn how to walk.

    how about an exersaucer?
  9. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    Most pediatricians recommend against using them, and there has even been some discussion about banning them. I guess it somehow interferes with a natural gate, and several kids have fallen down stairs in them.

    I wouldn't use it because I think the best thing for a kid's physical development is floor time, but I also think some of the concerns are probably a little overblown.

    BTW--My pedi did ask if we used a walker with the boys because she recommends against it.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    They are already banned here in Canada, you aren't even allowed to sell used ones at garage sales or on Craigslist or anywhere else. I probably wouldn't have used one, anyway, for safety reasons (we have several sets of stairs). I don't necessarily have a problem with them, but I don't think they help them learn to walk & they might allow them to get into situations that could be dangerous a lot quicker than they would otherwise.
  11. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    I have heard the calls to ban them, and am very aware of the risks and safety concerns, BUTas far as I'm concerned, when you have 2 babies, anything that will help keep them amused and maybe give you 5 mins peace to do something is a good thing!
    in my house we are very careful to keep gates, screen doors etc shut and be aware of what is happening when they are in them.

    We have 1 walker and a jumperoo (on a stationary frame with toys rather than in a doorway) but try not to use them too often, rather as a 'last resort' if nothing else has helped!

    With precations, most things are ok with moderation?!
  12. eagleswings216

    eagleswings216 Well-Known Member

    You are exactly right - moderation is key. You might also try an exersaucer if you haven't already. I got a really nice one on craigslist for $10. Our boys are crawling and starting to outgrow them, but I would alternate between the jumperoo and the exersaucer, which helps them from getting too bored with the same toys.
  13. 2xjoy

    2xjoy Well-Known Member

    What exactly is an exaucauser?
    Some of the same things have different names Iguess so sometimes I'm not sure exactly if we're on the same page ;-)
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