Is this typical sleep for age?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sisrea, Apr 13, 2011.

  1. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I was recently looking through some of the recent threads and now i am thinking that this might just be normal for them. About 3 weeks ago my girls were napping for and 1.5 hours and then going to bed at 8:30-9 and then waking up at around 8am.

    Since they they are now waking up at 6:30-7am, with the same bedtime, and only napping for only an hour, or 1.5 MAX. Also they started getting up frequently over and over again once we put them to bed where as they used to just go to bed no issues without getting up at all. I thought that it might have been a phase, or a regression of some sort, but now I am thinking that it might just be that they are just needing less sleep? Either way I am definetly more tired then i was before. I don't want to push bed time out any longer and i NEED the down time during the day while they nap, so i think i might just be stuck.
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    What time is nap? I'd try an earlier nap time and then an earlier bedtime. GL!
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    Ditto this!

    We love our early 'grownup evening' time around here....

    Mine had to be awake for a full 5 hours or so to sleep again. At 2: we had up at 6:30, nap at 12-1:30/2 , and bed again at 7. A later nap always led to a later bedtime....
  4. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    we were doing nap around 2:30ish but we were having issues with them not wanting to fall asleep for nap (now thinking that they were over-tired). Now I am shooting for doing 1 - 1:30 nap time. I hadn't though about the earlier bed time, since they were fighting going to sleep already at 8:30.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with trying an earlier nap, then an earlier bedtime. Sometimes it is harder for them to get to sleep when they are overtired. They might actually fall asleep easier, earlier. It is worth a try anyway! Good luck!
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I agree also... 2.30pm seems very late for a nap. At that age mine were napping at 12.30pm and were in bed at 7pm. I've almost never had short naps though... my kids have always been 3 hours or nothing.
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