Is this teasing or "proto-sharing"?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Minette, Oct 15, 2007.

  1. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Amy's been doing something recently that I assumed was just mean, and it was driving me crazy, but I've just read BabyCenter's toddler bulletin, and I wonder if I was wrong. When she has a toy that Sarah wants, Amy will hold it out to her, but then yank it back just as Sarah starts to reach for it.

    I've been telling her "That's teasing -- either give it to her or don't, but don't tease." But BabyCenter says this may be "proto-sharing," when they are willing to let the other child see the toy, but not quite able to give it up, and we should actually encourage it, because it's a step on the road to learning to share. Thoughts? How do you react when your twins do this?
  2. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Hmm, that's an interesting theory. My boys haven't done this with toys, but are constantly doing it with food - sometimes towards each other, but mostly toward DH & I. They are pretty silly about it, so I would have to say mine are definately in the "teasing" category.

    To be honest, we have used it to our advantage instead of "handling it". If I feel the boys haven't eaten enough I say, "Can I have some ...." and they will happily hold it out for me (Joe nearly puts his entire hand in my mouth), then snatch it away and eat it. It's been a great way to get extra calories in them when needed!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    My babies are doing that with both food and toys. Jake does it more than Emma, as Emma will actually share. Jake laughs about it when he yanks it away from her. Interesting!

    ETA...I usually just let it go, because it usually doesn't cause a "fight", as of yet anyway!
  4. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Actually, I read that that is a very normal toddler thing to do around this age. My one dd does it more than the other but even my very generous and giving Lorien will once in a while offer me a piece of what she is eating and then take it back and put it in her mouth.
  5. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Hannah has been doing this with toys & food the last several weeks - and Natalie did it tonight at dinner for the first time. Usually Hannah does it to me or DH, not her sisters...she giggles hysterically while doing it - I think she thinks it is funny to "trick" us, but I can see why it would come accross as mean if she was doing it to Natalie. I haven't tried to get her to stop because she enjoys it so much and since she is mostly doing it to me & DH it hasn't caused any issues
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