Is this separation anxiety?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by steph-andy, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. steph-andy

    steph-andy Well-Known Member

    My dd Lindsey has always been an very easy baby. Most of the time she goes right down for naps and night-time with absolutely no fuss. Every once in awhile she cries for about 30 seconds.

    Well....the day before yesterday it all changed. At her pm nap, she would grab onto my hair and neck everytime I tried to put her down - and if I did put her all the way down, she cried like she was being tortured. I had my other dd downstairs in the exersaucer that needed to get down for her nap, so I decided to let Lindsey cry. BIG mistake, within about 3 minutes she had puked all over!!! She went down that night and all day yesterday just fine, but this morning did the same exact thing at her am nap - puke and all!

    Please tell me that this is a short phase??? She is getting ready to cut her two top teeth - looks like maybe all four, but she doesn't seem bothered by them at any other time. What does it sound like to you? Thanks, Stephanie
  2. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    We are also starting to fuss the minute they realize the "nap routine" has begun. Mine have also puked from crying to hard. Scared the crap out of me the first time (even though I'd seen plenty of posts about it).

    I think mine are definately having sep. anxiety kick in. One thing we've done to combat it is "Family Cuddle Time". About 30 minutes before bed we put all the toys away, turn the lights down low, and lay some blankets & pillows down on the floor. Then we just have a big family pig pile of cuddles and snuggling for about 30 minutes. It's wonderful and I really love it. It gets the boys calmed down before bed and give them some extra TLC so that by the time we lay them down they just coo and smile back at us, roll over and crash.

    So, guess I don't have any naptime advice...sorry. Hope you are all doing well.
  3. Shannon O'Malley

    Shannon O'Malley New Member

    My little girl just started doing this as well. (My boy/girl are 13 months.) She seemed to go from a super easy baby to clingy overnight. It's been really frustrating! It's definitely not the best solution, but I've been carrying her around most of the day. She throws a fit if I set her down just to run to the bathroom! In addition to my fraying nerves, I'm also feeling incredibly guilty because I'm not interacting with my boy as much. (He has to 'wait' a lot.) She will no longer sleep in her crib, so my husband and I have had a visitor in bed with us at night. We're hoping it's a phase, and worried we're starting some bad habits...
  4. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    We have had intermintent phases of this and I hate to tell you this, but mine just turned 2 amonth ago. The phases come and go but don't ever seem to last very long.

    I read somewhere that talking to them about what we are about to do so they are prepared helps and it does seem to help with my ds. So, we say, we are going to get jammies on, read a book and lay down to sleep.

    I really love pp's family cuddle time idea. We might have to try that one.
  5. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    PS - I forgot to mention that the anxiety always seems to be worse when he is getting sick or is sick or was cutting teeth. Which makes sense, I am 39 and I still want my mommy when I don't feel good. [​IMG]
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