Is this rude?!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jenpoe, Jun 29, 2010.

  1. jenpoe

    jenpoe Well-Known Member

    So, I know some people just can't imagine having twins and wouldn't put themselves in our shoes given the chance...

    But I am 32 weeks along, have only gained 30 lbs, I look about the same as before everywhere except my belly - with just a couple extra lbs elsewhere - and I feel HEALTHY. I am up an about a lot, I get around fine, I am nowhere near popping the babies out yet, nor am I on bed rest. Everything is well on my end, and I feel mostly great. I still wear my makeup the same, I dress cute, I wear my hair the same most of the time..

    And I had a lady last night basically INSIST that I feel like crap.
    I was at a karaoke contest at a casino near here, and I got up while they were tallying scores at the end and I had to pee (which, after 2 hours, I had to pee pretty bad, so I was kind of in a hurry to get to the potty lol) and when I was using the rest room someone comes in the bathroom going "Jen are you in here?" and since it didn't sound like my mom or someone I am closely acquainted to, I ignored the person. Lots of people have my name, I assumed she was looking for someone else. But she kept going "Jen are you in here? Jenny? Are you okay Jenny? Jen?"

    Then about 20 minutes later we were leaving and she caught me by the door of the lounge we had been in and was like "Are you feeling okay? Did you get a sunburn or something?" Which by the way, I am not sunburned in the slightest - and that's a pretty visual thing so I have NO IDEA why she asked that... and I said "No, I feel great." and she said "Are you SURE? You look like you don't feel well! I followed you into the bathroom earlier because you looked terrible! Are you sure you're okay?!" and I was like "Well, I had to pee pretty bad... I feel fine." and she keeps persisting!
    "Are you sure you're okay? You just look like you don't feel well at all!" And seriously, I was feeling fantastic, but thanks for making me worry that I look gross or something! UGH!
    And she goes on to say "Watch your swelling and bloating, you might have toxemia!" OMG! I haven't swollen anywhere but a tiny bit in my feet! I kid you not when I say I seriously look like I am not even pregnant from the back. I haven't changed anywhere but my belly and a little thicker in the thighs and butt!

    My shoes still fit, my rings still fit... WHAT THE HELL!? And if someone tells you they feel great, why would you insist they look like ****?!?!?!?!

    Am I over reacting to be really irritated about this lady?!
  2. calind115

    calind115 Well-Known Member

    I wouldnt say so. My sister has been asking me out of no where what is wrong and if i am ok bc I look pale. Nothing is really wrong I either need to pee or just resituate. So ya I know exactly where you are coming from.
  3. deidra_mitchell00

    deidra_mitchell00 Active Member

    People are crazy when it comes to pregnancy. It doesn't sound like the women knows you very well. Hopefully it isn't someone that you have to be around all the time. I have an older lady friend that swears I shouldn't grocery shop and asks me for a list once a week. I tell her I am just pregnant not on disability. Good Luck.
  4. zanetaya

    zanetaya Well-Known Member

    haha....I am in the same boat. I am 31.5 weeks and have only gained 18 pounds so far. I actually have people tell me all the time that, "you need to gain some weight, girl." Whatever. My Dr. is not concerned and the babies are growing just fine!

    Like you, people are crazy everytime I go to get out of my chair!! Like I can do nothing for myself or something. Although I don't feel great, I can still take care of me and my other 2 kids... :) I know they care and wanna make sure I'm okay, but it does get annoying. And if 1 of the babies is pushing on my belly hard and it gets uncomfortable??? If I show any sign of discomfort everyone thinks I must be having contractions. But.....we don't have much longer to go!
  5. tracilynn

    tracilynn Well-Known Member

    Yes and this drove me insane. I still went to my oldest dds softball games up to 36 weeks aNd I dressed cute fixed my hair wore makeup and a smile and a woman said to me out of the blue " you poor thing you look miserable". I felt like drop kickin her in the teeth! I would never say that to any preggo woman!
  6. jessietrio

    jessietrio Well-Known Member

    Sounds like this woman was wearing her RBGs [Reverse Beer Goggles] - in which case she may not have even recalled her deep concern about your body the very next morning!! And if she was not drinking beer then there goes the #1 reason for her funny behavior...and then she has none.

    Agree with the pps...people DO say the strangest things almost as if a strange thing is better to say than nothing...??
  7. mommaoffour_ohmy

    mommaoffour_ohmy Well-Known Member

    Im jealous :woman:

    Ive gained about 16lbs (Im giving myself the benifit of the doubt since its been a couple weeks and the scale at home is telling me I have gained MUCH more where that came from) but in any case... 30lbs is great! Some people are just oblivious and sometimes I find myself recanting conversations where I myself have said some pretty STUPID things, so dont mind her... you are making babies!! :woman:
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