Is this normal?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Susanna+3, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    This isn't specifically a potty training question...although it's related... I started trying to train my ds this week. He's 2years and 4 months. He's hardly had any accidents at all, just two...but he's also only peed in the potty twice in the last three days. instead he's holding it for hours. He's in underwear so I'm not missing anything. He will literally go for 4-5 hours without peeing. I had noticed previously that he would sometimes have a dry diaper after hours...then fill it up over naptime or some other time. But I never knew how long he was holding it, I didn't pay that much attention when he was in diapers. He drinks a decent amount, not as much as my girls...but he probably has between 15-20 oz of actual fluid per day...more on hot days. Anyone else have a ds that did this??? I always thought boys were the opposite... I thought he'd be peeing all over my house. Not sure where to go from here b/c my girls needed to have enough accidents to kind of figure things out. He's not overjoyed by the potty...but he's not super resistant either. He likes his underwear, and he doesn't want to pee in them. He doesn't volunteer to try the potty...but he also doesn't ask for his diaper... he would just prefer not to pee at all!!! :huh: Is it normal for a 2 year old to be able to hold it this long??... The best my oldest dd did at this age was 3-4 hours max... and that was usually if we were in a strange environment, out of the house.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I don't know what is "normal" or if there is such a thing with 2 year olds :crazy: , but I remember when I first started training my older kids, it seems like they were constantly peeing! As long as he is getting enough to drink, I would just encourage him to go every couple of hours.
  3. debbeeanne

    debbeeanne Well-Known Member

    I think it is pretty unusual for him to be able to hold it. Maybe since you are trying to train him you can give him more fluids so that he has to pee more often. He's going to get the idea better if he has lots of "successes" and lots of praise.
  4. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    Jamie was like that and it made it really easy to potty train her. She was also night trained early (just after she turned 2). 3-4 hours is still normal for her, and of course 11-12 hours over night. Nicole was far more frequent, but drinks more too. All children are different. What you're describing doesn't sound out of the ordinary at all.
  5. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    If he doesn't like the potty, what about putting the training seat on the toilet with a small stool? My girlfriend encouraged potty training with her son (he was about the same age) by letting him pee on the tree in the yard. They have a very private backyard. MAybe it's the potty he has issues with?
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    actually he seems to have bonded with his potty... he calls it "my potty" and refuses to let the girls go near it... he prefers trying by his potty and not the big potty... I think tomorrow I will try giving him water in an open cup. Sometimes he drinks a lot more this way b/c of the novelty of a normal cup vs. a sippy cup...gotta get that bladder moving, I guess... He did pee into his potty tonight, standing up, all by himself. He had no accidents today...but if you count the wet diaper at naptime...which wasn't soaked.... from 7am until 7pm he only peed 3 times... Twice in the potty..and once in his diaper at nap.
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