Is This Normal

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tpowers, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    I am sad a lot. I seem to have days where I just cry a lot more. One day on my way to work I even thought about just continuing to drive and not coming home. I love my family and know how very lucky I am to have 3 healthy and happy kids. I just don't know what is wrong with me. I am sure that 16 months later it is not postpartum depression. I don't know if this is normal with twins because there is just so much to do or if I need to go and see somebody about this.
  2. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    Big hugs to you. :hug:

    I used to get down a lot in the first year or two of having my twins but I just soldiered on (stupid me!). I think it took my body longer to recover from having the twins especially hormone-wise. I go for regular blood tests to keep my thyroid in check and it took a good year for those hormones to settle (I kept swinging from hypothyroid to hyperthyroid).

    In your shoes I would go and speak to your doctor about how you are feeling, it can´t hurt. I think you can still have a form of PPD 16 months on. Also looking after 3 children is quite draining so maybe you need some ´you´ time and/or time with your partner.

    Either way, I hope you find a solution soon and you start to feel better. I know I did once the kids turned 2. This year is the best by far! :)
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: to you!
    I agree with Rachel, to have your thyroid checked. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when my two were 19 months old. I had no idea that hypothyroidism could you make you tired and feel down in the dumps. It's worth having it checked out.
    Also, it never hurts to see a counselor or a therapist to talk about your feelings. I hope things start feeling better for you soon :grouphug:
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i agree with Rachel & Nancy - it can't hurt to talk to your doc, and it might help a lot, so it would be worth doing. also, whether it's PP depression, regular depression, or just the standard ups & downs & exhaustion of raising 3 children, talking to someone about how you're feeling can only help.

    :hug: i'm sorry you're having a tough time right now.
  5. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    :grouphug: You can have PPD within the first yr, so it could very well be b/c it doesn't sound like you just started feeling this way! I agree w getting your thyroid tested but if it's not that, I've heard that going on the pill helps regulate hormones too. I'm thinking of trying that now b/f I try anything else. I haven't talked to my dr about this but my friends dr told her that ... it's worth checking out!

    Take care of yourself!
  6. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    you are overwelmed. i think about running away seriously, the job of mom to twins alone is overwelming. and you have three and ft work! i think it would help to rule out regular depression because of the crying(not PPD) and to talk to someone about the anxiety you are experiencing. I am a social worker and it sounds like you are having more anxiety than depression-but you can have both and the crazy thoughts anxiety cause can make yu feel guilty and then depressed over thinking that way! hang in there. were here for you.
  7. SheriBrownDion

    SheriBrownDion Well-Known Member

    :grouphug:I have shared many of your feelings over the past year plus. It is tough having 3! I work PT from home and juggling the 3 boys, plus housework, plus any type of life (doesn't happen for me) is incredibly tough. I am working on getting a tiny bit of time for myself. If you can manage to get some help and time for yourself (excercise?) perhaps that will help.
  8. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    No, it's not normal. I hate to be blunt, but it sounds like you are depressed. I've been there- crying for small reasons or just out of the blue. Not caring what happened to me and not wanting to get out of bed. IF you can still get enjoyment out of things that is a plus. What strikes me is "you cry MORE" this seems to me that you're crying fairly often?
    Feeling tired, overwhelmed at twins is normal- the crying/depression part isn't.

    Quick question, are you breastfeeding? For me, I got postpartum Anxiety (worse than my usual anxiety) which didn't start to get better until after I stopped breastfeeding (one of the main reasons WHY I did) and my hormones started going back to normal.

    I 2nd getting your thyroid levels checked, but I also start with yes, you do need to see someone.

    sorry if this is TMI, just putting this out there because I've been through this and have been discouraged in the past and hope mentioning this helps.... If they put you on medication do NOT get discouraged if the medicine doesn't work and you have to try others. Everyone's body chemistry is unique so, you can get lucky and have the 1st one work, or you can have to dry LOTS of medications until you find what works for you- for most people there is usually something that ends up working.

    Also, if they put you on medication it does NOT mean it has to be forever. Depression is chemical and situational. Sometimes a situational depression (or triggered by hormones) causes changes in brain chemistry and the brain doesn't just 'snap out of it', and sometimes all it takes is being on mediation for a period of time.

    And, of course, sometimes medication isn't necessary.

    In the meantime, my suggestion to you is I strongly recommend trying to get in at least 1/2 hour of aerobic activity exercise a day. I know you work and have twins but your twins need a healthy and happy mom, so you can REALLY be there for them, so it's worth a try. Exercise often helps people with depression feel less depressed and it sure has helped me in the past. For me, it's helped with depression and anxiety.
  9. lovelylily

    lovelylily Well-Known Member

    I agree that you should see someone. I've struggled a lot with my emotions since giving birth as well. I took meds for 6 months, but couldn't stand the side effects and couldn't afford to keep going back to the doctor to try new meds. When I finally got insurance I was very surprised to discover that my hormones are POST menopausal. I am now getting help regulating those and starting to feel more normal every day. A lot of times there are physical reasons for depression that can be treated. I hope you can find the help you need :hug:
  10. tpowers

    tpowers Well-Known Member

    No. I stopped breastfeeding when they were about 5 months old.

    Thanks so much for all of the advice and support. I will try to get into somebody soon. Also, I may test my thyroid at work (I work in a lab) just to rule that in or out. I apprecite the advice and knowing that I am not alone.
  11. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I think it is totally normal to feel overwhelmed and sad at times, but not all the time. The first 3-4 months was really hard on me. I think once I started to get some sleep, I felt like a new person:) I did go talk to a therapist and went on medication and it helped me so much. I'm still on meds. I had anxiety before I ever had them, so I know it's something I might need to be on indefinitely and I'm ok with it. I'd rather be on meds than feel the way I was feeling. I think going to your dr. to get checked out physically is the 1st step. I would also highly recommend talking to a therapist. It took me a few before I found one I really clicked with. Good luck and I hope you start feeling better soon!

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