is this a twin thing or toddler thing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sisrea, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Sisrea

    Sisrea Well-Known Member

    I haven't posted in quite a while, the girls have kept me pretty busy, but i have been lurking some lately. Good to be back..

    When i lay the girls down for their nap in the afternoon, they will play, jump in their crib, pass their binki's back and forth and basically play for quite a while before laying down and going to sleep. Before i put them down they are showing signs of being sleepy but one i put them in the crib they can sometimes be in there for an hour or more before falling asleep. They don't cry while they are in their crib before sleeping unless they throw the binki out. Before i could go in there and tell them to lay down and go to sleep and it would usually work. on the weekends DH would only have to go in there once and it just isn't happening anymore. This past weekend they were taking forever to fall asleep and then i just let them stay in their since they weren't unhappy.

    So is this because they have somebody in there to keep them awake or is this just a toddler thing now?

    Does it sound normal??
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes it does. My two do not share a room at my house but they do at my Mom's house and they can spend their whole nap fooling around and sometimes take over an hour to fall asleep at night because they were playing around. As long as they are happy, I leave them be.
  3. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twins never were happy in their cribs. period.

    Evan however can play in his crib forever! And most of the time, even going to sleep afterwards. It is frustrating for me because I never can do anything when he does that. It is good though that I get a break.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's a combination of both. It's a normal toddler thing, they don't want to stop and settle down because they might miss something, but it's being exacerbated by having an accomplice to staying awake ;)

    If they aren't unhappy or crying, and are eventually going to sleep, I would just let them be. But if it becomes problematic you could consider repositioning the cribs so they aren't side by side, or even removing one from the room for naps and setting up a pack n play somewhere else.

    Also if their bedroom is fairly light, that can make it worse because they can see each other better. I have room darkening curtains and aluminum foil and poster board up over the window to keep it very dark in their room, not quite nighttime dark but dim enough that they can't see each other really well to play ;)
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Welcome back! :D

    Well I only have twin toddlers, so I can't tell you if it's one or the other, but I *can* tell you it happens here! :lol: I agree with PPs; if they are happy, just let them do their thing. Nate in particular needs some wind-down time before naps and bed. Sometimes he will babble for up to an hour! Most of the time Jack drops right off, but I do hear shenanigans going on between them sometimes.

    Separating your girls' cribs might help, but it might not. :pardon: My philosophy is that I give them plenty of opportunities to sleep and nap, but it's up to them to take me up on it. ;)
  6. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    My two are up in their room supposed to be falling asleep for their nap and I hear someone jumping or shaking the crib. They chatter, giggle, do laps around their cribs for a while usually before falling asleep. Although at night time, they both usually just lay down and go to sleep rather quickly. Must be the darkness.
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