Is this a phase of melt down in public places?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Sullyirishtwins, Feb 16, 2008.

  1. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    I tried looking for this subject wondering if anyone is in the same shoe as we are -- my son, Justin has some melt down in the last 3 weeks prior going to public places which has NEVER happened before with us. My twins belong to a large play group and does fairly well since we joined at 8 mos. Unfortunately, the first one was Valentine Day party a completely melt down with screaming and crying. It took me a good 20 mins to calm him down before he finally "warm up" with his friends to run around.

    The second one was at Arbys' where there were NO one sitting in the restaurant at that time. For the first time my husband actually had to see this and had a melt down again. The twins has not really been explode to some of these restaurants yet. We were always afraid at this stage of take them out.

    Our third melt down was a completely look on at us. My husband took him out of the high chair and walk him around and nothing seem to work. We are thinking he may be too overwhelmed / has some sensitively as they are becoming more aware of things around them.

    Is this a short-phase? Thank god my daughter, Rianna has no problem.

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (16.5 mos)
  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I think that at that age, they don't have the speech and communication that they would like and so melting down is how they choose to communicate!

    :hug99: Everyone with kids has been there! Just talk to him and teach him things, like I understand you are frustrated or upset. It's really hard to deal with when they can't talk!!! :hug99:
  3. CapeBretoner_123

    CapeBretoner_123 Well-Known Member

    Offering him attention is making it worse. Take him out of the place. Be prepared to leave altogether and not return. Returning is a reward. Even if you have a wagon full of groceries leave. He'll get it.
  4. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    But he is only making his melt down on the arrival of public places. When I calm him down he's fine and then he's back to himself. I totally understand if he's having a melt down if he does not get what he want. But to arrive and then leave because of a simple melt down for no reason?

    Thanks for the input,
    Diana w/Rianna and justin (16.5)
  5. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    Stranger anxiety hits it peak right around 18 months, so keep that in mind too. I know my daughter will literally hide her face on certain days in certain places. And thier ped appt at 18 months, OMG, you would have thought thier ped was attacking them!!!!
  6. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Sounds like he's going through a phase but for how long?

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (16.5)
  7. i4get

    i4get Well-Known Member

    We are going through the exact same thing and my guys are the exact same age. Just this weekend, DH and I thought we were going to go crazy because they were both freaking out everywhere we went (and at home for that matter). I think Diane is right. It's a lack of communication thing. They are probably able to say a few words now and kind of getting that they need to talk to make us understand but they can't actually say enough words yet. It's so hard to remember that just as suddenly as this came on, it will probably go away some point. Here's hoping it's sooner than later because just one weekend of it, and both DH and I were saying thank goodness tomorrow is Monday! LOL!

  8. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Yesterday, John invited his buddy with an 8 months old son to come and watch Nascar. As soon as his friend walk in the house, Justin cried and scream for another 20 minutes. We were about to feed our twins for lunch. It is unbelievable the changes my son is going through in the last 2 week. I had to hold him and tell him that this is your "Godfather". Daddy's friend. I wiped his tears and tell him, it is okay. And when he finally calm down he started eating his lunch. His sister, Rianna was looking on at him and watch the cute little baby sitting across them.

    Justin is definietly a Mama's boy but to have this outburst it is hard to figure out what he's really trying to say but hopefully once he reach 17 months it'll go away?! What's weird is that they are both in "My Gym" and does not have that outburst on the arrival and he's fine with other kids around him. I think he's picky on who he like, ha!

    Thanks for all of your input,
    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (16.5 mos)
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