Is this a good idea?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MrsBQ02, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    J is really good at peeing on the potty some days... others, like today, not so much, but I think he's just being stubborn. He always wakes up dry, and has done so for a couple months now. We can go several days on end where the only time he pees in his pullup is when he poops. And on that note, he REFUSES to poop on the potty. Absolutely refuses to do it... So that's where he currently is--- and this is the plan I've got in my head and I need y'all to tell me if this is a good idea or not!

    My folks are coming down this week to visit, and when they leave, I'm sending B back with them for about 4 days leaving J here with me. I plan on stripping him from the waist down and taking away all the pullups and diapers, in hopes that this will force him to poop on the potty. I THINK if I can get him to just go-- and do so for a few days, then I think if I put him in underpants he'll be ok since I KNOW he knows how to stay dry, it's just a matter of choosing to do so. I just hope that if he "figures out" how to poop in the potty then maybe he won't poop in his underpants after being successful at it a few times. What do you think? I need to get them PT'ed so they can go to MDO in the fall. Of course B couldn't care less, so I'm hoping if I can get J done- then either he'll decide to do it too, or worst case scenario, J gets to go to school, but B has to stay home and maybe that'll get his butt in gear (no pun intended!)

    So does this seem like a workable plan? Any better ideas or tips ahead of time?
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I say do it. But, I'm from the camp that didn't wait for them to show signs of readiness. I sort of pushed it too and it worked out well for us. Why not give it a try? :pardon: Good luck!!
  3. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Like Michelle, I didn't wait for readiness signs with Kayci. She was almost 3.5 and I was done. She's stubborn about everything so I knew if I left it up to her she'd never do it. I never did naked training but we did PT boot camp and by day 3 she was doing great. For your dry but nonpooper, I'd switch to underwear and tell him poop goes in the potty. I lined Kayci's underwear with folded toilet paper so it would come off and flush more easily. It didn't take her too long to figure it out. Aaron didn't poop in the potty until about year after potty training. He still got a pullup/diaper for nap and night so would wait until one of those times. PTing is such a pain but so great when it's finally over! :laughing: So in your case I'd put the almost trained in underwear and then PT boot camp the other.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I would go for it. Either naked train or go straight to undies all the time....ditch the pull-up (IMO)!
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