Is this a crazy preschool schedule?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by heybabalou, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    I posted a while back about how my twin sons might have to go to different preschools. They are both in a community preschool in the neighborhood two mornings a week, which they both LOVE. The school has been understanding of Spencer's speech issues and his "quirks" and are happy to keep him there. However, he has qualified for the school district's (free!) developmental preschool program so will go there four mornings a week starting at the end of September. He will get his ST and OT there. Originally I hoped that his twin would be able to be a peer model in the classroom, but they "gave away" his peer model space-not too happy about that! Anyway, Truman will go MWF to the community preschool and Spencer will join him on Fridays. So Spencer will be able to stay at preschool with twin bro once a week. Supposedly, a little bus will pick Spence up, bring him to developmental school and drop him off back home. Sounds great, but they haven't given me the logistics yet. Then Tru will need to be dropped off/picked up MW at community preschool, and both boys on F. I work MW, so our nanny will have to drop off and pick up. Plus, I want to do some classes with my baby girl this fall, just me and her. Too much? Too crazy of a schedule?

    Also-we need a new PT nanny! Seattle! Twin experience a plus.
  2. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    It does sound like a bit much for everyone, especially young 3 year olds. Do they have any experience with school? A busy schedule? They have 2 years of school before kindergarten and then a lifetime of busy schedules ahead of them.

    I had my girls signed up for 2X/wk preschool but one got an IEP for the integrated preschool(3X/wk) so I had the dilemma about keeping both preschools, whether to switch the non-iep kid over, etc. The thought of losing my application fee and deposit ($1050 per kid) for the preschool killed me. But in the end I dropped the well researched, observed and thought out preschool for the one I know nothing about. It made logistics much easier- I now have 4 kids in one building 3 mornings a week. But we don't get transportation, we ride bikes the 4 miles.

    I'm happy to have them gone 2.5 hours 3X/wk :FIFblush: but I know I hate how long the school days are for my grade school kids and wish they were home/around/able to play more. Just a though. Good luck!!
  3. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    No advice, but I am in a similar situation. My DS will go to the public integrated preschool on an IEP and my DD is going to a full day preschool/day care center. DS gets picked up on the bus at 8:05, then I will get DD in the car to take her to day care. Then I pick up DS from his preschool at 10:50 and take him to the day care. Then I pick them all up when I'm done working in the afternoon. It's going to be crazy, but luckily I work from home right now and can do all the shuffling back and forth!
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    I had a similar schedule with Jon in Preschool disabled program 5 days a week, and Marcus was in the regular nursery school. It did help that my next door neighbor also had both her sons go through the preschool disabled program, so she could get him off the bus on days I had to get Marcus. It is a bit hectic, but not crazy. I would hold off on the classes until October or so, so you can have the boys' schedule settled before you add in the extra running around.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think it sounds really busy for the adults having to shuffle them around, but I don't think it will be too hard on the boys. If it were me, I would hold off for awhile on starting any classes with your daughter, for your own sanity!
  6. heybabalou

    heybabalou Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I wish Tru could go to the integrated program with his brother. They told me they had a space for him to go as a peer model, and then when I called the teacher she had given it away to another kids! I was so mad. They had a space for both in the afternoon program, but Tru is a HEAVY afternoon napper, so it wouldn't work.
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