Is there such a thing-Diaper Pail that does not stink

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by cjk2002, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    We've had the diaper champ since they boys were born. I HATE it! After I put diapers in it, I will spray it will lysol and even that does not help. I've tried just putting wet diapers (no poopy) and it still stinks. I've washed it, let it air out and I just can get rid of the smell.

    For awhile I was taking the diapers right out to the trash but once winter comes, I won't be doing that.

    At this point I'm willing to try anything.

  2. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    I don't think there is a lot we can do - lets just face it - pee and poop stink..
  3. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I find that adding baking soda and tea tree oil to the bag helps. you can also get deoderizer discs from cloth diaper sites that help some.
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I put a dryer sheet in there and that cuts down on the stink. I also put a Yankee Candle car gel in there to help out too.
  5. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We had the Champ too and it stunk. It wasn't so bad that we couldn't stand it -- we wiped it thoroughly with Clorox wipes every time we changed the bag, which was every 3 days or so -- but it was noticeable.

    Finally, when the girls were mostly potty trained, we switched to a small plastic trash can with no lid. Because they only go through one or two diapers a day, we empty it once every day or two. It is soooo much better. It would have been good to switch even earlier and just empty it more often.

    One thing that also helps (if your kids have solid enough poops) is to dump the poop in the toilet and flush it. It's kind of gross to interact with it that closely, but it really does keep the smell down.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I had the champ too and never had any problem... I think it might depend on the trash bags you use really (we used the odor shield GLAD bags). We just use the trash now, as we moved and it's actually not too inconvenient.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    No! :lol: I hated the Diaper Champ. What I didn't like about it was that the diapers just go straight down and pile up, so you have to shake it to get a diaper to go down. I ditched it when the girls were about one yr.
    I went to a regular trash can with a lid that you push the button. It only stinks upon opening it. But hey, diapers stink. If there's a particularly nasty diaper, I'll put it in a plastic grocery bag first. A lot of people keep a little can out in the garage or out the back door just for poopy diapers.
  8. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I have the Diaper Genie and it stinks too! I think they all do!
  9. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    i used to throw the poopy diapers into the outside trash right away. i can't stand having them in the house.... now i throw the poop in the toilet (letting the boys watch is supposed to be a pre-pre-pre toilet training thing) and flush it down. the diaper isn't so smelly then. we usually throw our trash out each day so nothing sits around for long. i do use our diaper champ and like it, but not too often. usually i just throw the wet dipes in the trash and then they're tossed at the end of the day.

  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We have the diaper champ and I've been pretty happy with it. We empty it twice a week on trash days. It stinks when you flip the diapers in, but not all the time unless it really needs emptying. I try to spray it with lysol (not in the bag, in the bottom and sides) and leave it open on trash days while we are at work and that seems to help some. I've heard to put a dryer sheet in there when you change it, but haven't tried that. Good luck with finding something that works!
  11. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    I forgot to add that we do put the dirty diapers in the green disposable bags before putting them in the Diaper Champ and we use the deodorizer discs which both of these things do help but nothing fully works - I don't think anything will until they are out of diapers.
  12. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    I HATED my Diaper Champ. I think I carried the whole thing to the trash one day when the boys were only about 3 months old. From that day on right up until today we have just used a regular plasic trash can with a lid from Target. I use the odor shield bags and that seems to help quite a bit. Honestly we don't have a lot of problem with any unpleasant smells coming from the trash in their room. If it is a particularly nasty diaper I tie it up in a plastic grocery bag and put it in our outside trash. I think we don't have a ton of problems becasue the boys usually poop at daycare and on the weekends we empty the trash on Sunday night for pickup Monday morning so the stinky ones from the weekend don't stay in the house very long anyways.
  13. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I've never had the Diaper Champ, just the Diaper Genie. We had the original to begin with, and that worked great. It broke when the girls were around 14 months old, and I thought to buy the Diaper Genie II. That lasted all of about 2 weeks before I went right back to the store and bought another Diaper Genie ORIGINAL. The 2nd version stank to high heaven, and the 'scented' bags just made it that much worse! The only time that thing smells is when we open it up to put a new diaper in.

    Now, the girls are 2.5 and potty trained (except nighttime) and their brother is 14 months. We use the Diaper Genie for Dirty diapers since it does hold the smell so well (for us anyways) and a regular trash can for wet diapers that we empty every couple of days and use recycled grocery bags in. This cuts down on how many rings we have to buy for the Diaper Genie. I still empty it about once/week (since it's just the one baby's dirty diapers now and he's in daycare most of the day) so the diapers aren't just sitting there stewing....
  14. Pookersb

    Pookersb Member

    We have the Diaper Dekor XL.

    I think you can only get it online.

    As the website says, it is best for "multiple births, large families, in-home daycare, adult incontinence products".

    When I bought it, I figured if it can handle adult incontinence products it can handle anything. And I was right, it is awesome. It never smells. I never spray it with anything. I never dump the poop in the toilet. And it holds a ton of diapers. So we only have to empty it 1-2 times a week, which is key as we live on the 3rd floor.

    I definitely recommend it.
  15. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Thanks ladies. I picked up a box of the Glad Odor Shield today and put a new bag in there tonight. If that does not work I may look into the Dekor.
  16. 1sttwins

    1sttwins Active Member

    I have the Diaper Dekor too and LOVE it!! It does stink when it's filled too full and when you go to empty it, but otherwise, I never smell it.
  17. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    We had 2 diaper champs and they both stunk. I finally tossed those and bought a small plastic trash can with a lid that comes off. I got this one at Family Dollar for $7. I keep it out by the back door and I wished we did that from the start.
  18. Pookersb

    Pookersb Member

    One more thing about the Diaper Dekor. From reading the reviews on Amazon, it sounds like they changed the bags on the regular and plus. The new bags are green and they don't work as well to stop the stink. They never changed the bags for the XL.
  19. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    we use a box with just regular kitchen type garbage bags. We change it each night. by using the box I just throw it out when it gets smelly. I hide the box behind two wicker baskets stacked on top of each other. Works for us and cheaper.
  20. *Sully*

    *Sully* Well-Known Member

    We do a few things that are already mentioned:

    Flushing the poo helps so much and they go with me to the potty to do so usually.

    Sometimes the bad ones go straight outside to the garbage.

    Every single poopy diaper is placed into a ziploc bag (I like the ones with the double seal) and buy generic.

    My SIL did the ziploc trick after she ditched the genie and this worked for her with four kids with multiple in diapers at one time. The can (with a lid) in their room gets only wet diapers and changed every 2-3 days. All the dirty zipped up diapers go in the main garbage can (with a lid) and gets taken out every other day.

    This is one of the biggest reasons I am looking forward to potty training... in addition to saving money not buying diapers, I won't have to deal with disposing of poo and stinky diapers!

  21. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    Well, the Glad Odor Shield bags did not help at all so I'm back to taking poopy diapers right outside to the trash. Wet diapers go in the kitchen trash and get taken out every other day.

    At almost 21 months I don't think it's worth it at this time to buy another diaper pail.

    The diaper champ is now sitting outside airing out and I doubt I will ever bring it back in.

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