Is there something wrong with her? or normal for this age?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Sydney is really sensitive. I get it, I'm very sensitive too. But she's getting more and more so. And she's getting obsessive/compulsive (i think) about having things a certain way. I allow them books and stuffed toys in their crib tents. But she stays up for hours putting them "just so". She's been screaming about "make it nice" (lay the blanket perfect) for most of the afternoon. Nothing works. She is much worse when she's over tired. she's very exhausted today and driving me batty. They've pretty much given up naps and aren't having quiet time - so this is making the behaviors worse.

    Should I take everything out of the crib? Do I need to have her evaluated?
  2. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I have one DD JUST like that. All blankets in a certain order (she has 4 or 5), books lined up on the side of the bed , and stuffed friends 'just so'. I am not too worried, as you said it is SO MUCH WORSE when she is tired. She can spend all naptime 'arranging' them.

    Preschoolers/toddlers LOVE order and they create what they can , thye also like to be in control--in my DD case she can be in control of her 'stuff' and have some sense of order of her little environment (her bed).

    She can also be like this in other areas--no food touching on her plate, things MUST be put away in their places, and she can be very dominate toward her not so specific twin on what she should do and how. Certain things MUST be done a certain way.

    I am not too upset- it seems so far part of her type A personality. If it interferes with her learning or seems to take 'over' her day I would talk to the pedi. So far it does occur during the day, but minimally---mostly at night/rest time.

    My other DD is much more easy going with that sort of thing....just different personalities.

  3. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    I think all young children are like this in some areas. My older DD certainly is -- she MUST wear her pajamas in a certain order, and Lord help us if they're not clean or if something messes that up. She actually had a meltdown at Christmas because I got her special Christmas PJ's, and then tomorrow is pajama day at preschool, so it was a huge freakin' deal to put aside one of the nicer pairs to wear, hence taking it out of the rotation...we had much angst and gnashing of teeth.

    She's like this about a lot of things, actually. Just very particular. I happen to think it's just quirky, but if you're really worried about your DD, there's no harm in talking to the ped.
  4. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Sounds very normal to me. Lara is very particular about the way things should be! And when they are tired they are more fussy and nothing seems 'right'! Please don't get her evaluated!!!!! There's nothing wrong with her.
  5. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    It's normal for the age, and some kids are just more persnickety. Bea was like this, but she's mellowed a lot about how things are. I had "No not that waaayyyy!!" ringing in my ears for a year. Maybe to help maintain sanity, limit the books to one or two, and any other items in the crib, so there is less to be fussy about. We still have some little things that each has to do or way things are supposed to be in order for the world to keep going around here.
  6. kelichman

    kelichman Member

    Is the behavior just with the items in the crib? How does she play with her toys...does she play with toys the way they are meant to be played with (appropriate for her age of course)? Is the behavior just with the items that are "hers" or does the behavior affect everything she does? Is she interested in other children?
  7. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Her behavior is worst in the crib. She does line up some toys (like cars), but she also plays with them as meant to be as well. She plays well with her sis and other kids.

    Last night, after alot of talking, comforting and reassuring.... I took most stuff out of crib. I told her she had to have a blanket & pillow, but she could choose to use them or not. She chose 1 book. She chose 1 lovey/stuffed animal comfort item. She will probably still have an issue with the blanket ("make it nice"), but she was so exhausted from lack of sleep the past few days, the behavior was worsening. She did freak out a bit, but after all the talking and snuggling, she seemed okay with it. we'll see how it goes.....
  8. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    as an elementary school teacher, i also have to say that it all sounds like normal developmental stuff. it usually irons out w/in a few years. toddlers love order!

    as someone who's married to a *somewhat* ocd person (he cleans like there's no tomorrow--even w/toddlers around!), i would say just to warn her future hubby that it could get hairy at times;).

  9. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    Jillian can't walk past a door and not close it, or the toilet seat has to be down, or the sippy cup lid has to be blue, the list goes on...sometimes it drives me crazy! She's definitely worse when she's tired. For us it's a mine field, we never know what's going to set her off. This phase will pass one of these days... :D
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