Is there anything you do that really makes your baby mad?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by flygirlcdh, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering this. My baby b gets really upset when I sneeze and flinch up, yawn and stretch in the wrong way, or reach too high or far. This is when I knew for sure that I was feeling kicks. At 14 weeks I sneezed and curled up and baby b, kinda hard to explain but, like rolled from the top to the side and then back up and I could feel it and about 1 minutes later kicked me REALLY hard to. My son had been leaning agaist me and looked at me like "mommy what was that". Then when I yawned the other day I just happened to look down at my stomach in time to see it go at least 1/2" above the rest of my stomach and it kinda hurt. Then he was gone. And today I stretched to reach something and he did something, no idea what, but it felt like he shoved his arm so hard that he poked out of my stomach. Crazy huh? I actualy had to look at my stomach to make sure there wasn't a hole or something. I didn't know they could do that this early (that hard). Always baby b (on top) that gets mad. Baby a just lays in the same spot and lightly kicks.
    I was just wondering if any of you had situations like this? I can't help but laugh, after it happens (once I know that I'm still in one peice) and wanted to hear some of your stories too.
  2. doublej's

    doublej's Well-Known Member

    YES! My baby A seems to get somewhat irritated or excited when there is real loud noise or music. She starts up and sometimes won't stop for about 15 mins. While baby B will lay there and barely flitch and when he does I think it is only because she has started up!! I think I almost have there little mood swings and attitudes memorized now, it's going to be soooo funny when I finally meet them. I can not wait.
  3. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    They don't like car doors slamming. It's the only sound they will flinch at. And my baby girl (B) HATES ultrasounds. The last one I had, she was burrowing up under my rib cage to get away from it. She kept shaking her head when the u/s tech was trying to get a head measurement. It was funny. This is probably why I have never gotten a decent face shot of her. I always get great ones of my boy.
  4. flygirlcdh

    flygirlcdh Well-Known Member

    I find it so amazing how they can already have their own little personalities and likes and dislikes.
  5. nicinthebu

    nicinthebu Well-Known Member

    lol, mine seem to be very active when I am hungry and/or have not eaten in a while, when I do eat and if I drink any sugary drinks (ie juice). But lately they kick me hard in the ribs when I am sleeping. The other night I was at red lobster w/ my sister, BIL and nephew. I barely fit in a booth. I was super hungry and they were kicking alot and it was like a show. You could see my stomach moving up and down rapidly (even with clothing on!) It was super hilarious!
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Baby A, my boy, always kicks me when my bladder is full. I guess he gets squished down there when I need to pee! :lol:
  7. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    baby A would punch me in the side multiple times whenever i ate cool ranch doritos lol!
  8. slr814

    slr814 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Danibell @ Jan 26 2009, 11:43 PM) [snapback]1163538[/snapback]
    Baby A, my boy, always kicks me when my bladder is full. I guess he gets squished down there when I need to pee! :lol:

    Yowch! don't you hate that? My little "A" boy does the same thing.
  9. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(azucena @ Jan 28 2009, 03:52 PM) [snapback]1166230[/snapback]
    Yowch! don't you hate that? My little "A" boy does the same thing.

    :laughing: Yep, must be a boy thing!!
  10. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    Baby A never moved around just slept the entire time. She would only get upset when I had to roll over in bed and she would get uncomfortable. I felt like I had to make sure all 3 of us were comfortable each time I rolled.

    Baby B was active and was always moving to be where her sister was. she would literally chase her to the other side of my uterus to snuggle up to her. After they were born this same baby would cry if she was close to her sister !!! too funny. She also became the quiet sleepy one, and her sister the very active awake one.
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