Is there anything I can use on him?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MLH, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    My DS has a few black head and some small pimples on his face, mostly around his nose. Is there anything I can use to help remove these? I didn't think a 4 yr. old would have an issue with this, but I guess it's possible. I know I use an apricot srub on my face, but I wasn't sure if there is anything I can use on his? Any special cleaning that you guys do or recommend?
  2. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Nadia often has some weird pimply rash on her cheeks -- I don't remember what it's called, but the ped said it was common, and not a big deal -- and he recommended a lotion called Lac-hydrin. It has alpha hydroxy acid in it. It's hard to find, but I buy it at

    He recommended this when Nadia was 3, and it's been working pretty well -- maybe it will work for your son?

    I wash Nadia's face with regular Cetaphil and a wash cloth, before using this lotion.
  3. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I'll take a look at that. I think that's what I used to use as a kid. I have a form of eczema on my arms and legs that are small papules/bumps that I used to have to put cream on. I think it was lac-hydren. I remember it burned a bit though. Does it seem to bother Nadia at all? Gabe doesn't even want me to wash it with a cloth b/c he said it hurts when I rub the black heads.
  4. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Melissa, it's never bothered her. Her bumps aren't eczema, though, nor are they particularly sensitive.

    That's interesting that you used to put it on eczema -- my younger two both have it, and Kevan's has been flaring up a lot lately. I've tried all kinds of things, and even basic lotions seem to burn -- he complains and says "ouch" and whimpers when I put on Aveeno, Cerave, Cetaphil, etc.

    I've never thought of using the Lac-Hydrin on him, but now I probably won't if you're saying it burns....or perhaps I'll try it on a small spot on his legs.
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Becca, have you tried the new Triple Cream for eczema? It's made by the makers of Triple Paste and I found it recently at Target. My girls have been flaring up quite a bit and it's really helping. It's super thick and they said it doesn't burn or hurt which is a big bonus!
  6. bkimberly

    bkimberly Well-Known Member

    When Drew's eczema was at its worst I found a lotion at Target by Nature's Gentle. It is a baby eczema cream and that stuff is the bomb!!! Poor Drew looked like a leper he was covered in scabs from scratching so much, but if I lube him up twice a day with that stuff the eczema is gone!!!
    As for the pimples and blackheads I would use the cetaphil, my dermatologist swore by it.
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