is supper time crazy at your house too?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Heather C, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. Heather C

    Heather C Well-Known Member

    i think i need to do better. i've tried crock pot,. etc you name it to get things in order so all heck doesn't break loose- but it seems like no matter what i do dinner time is like a sitcom of a nutty kook of a mother who can't get her family fed and cleaned up for bedtime [​IMG]

    DH is a huge help, but w the 3 bathtimes, the boys getting used to cereal feeding, DD finding it challenging to NOT throw food into the carpet,. etc i feel like i could do better. i have tried moving the schedules around a bit but there are only so many hours in the day,. y'know? i think of triplet moms and those of you with 4+ kids and i tip my hat,.....
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, I will say it has gotten easier. That age was hard because they weren't feeding themselves. Now that mine eat what we are eating it is much easier at dinner time. Now getting dinner made is another thing because they are both mobile. But sometimes I do stick them in the exersaucer or jumperoo still to get it made, they don't like them anymore though so they fuss after about 5 min. I try and do easy things that can go in the oven. I try to have dinner ready to eat at 5:30 and my DH gets home between 5-5:30. After dinner one of us tries to quickly clean up, usually I volunteer because it is a kid free break for me (I know pathetic) and that way DH can play with all 3 kids for awhile.

    We do not give the twins or our older DD a bath everynight so that helps. We do it every other night, I can't imagine giving all 3 a bath everynight.

    But you are not alone!
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Hi Heather!

    It was nutso at our house also, so I changed things up a bit, and it goes so much smoother now.

    Here is our sched:

    330pm bottle
    4 bath
    430 snack(puffs, cheerios)
    530 family dinner
    630 bottle/bed

    I know yours are younger, but just switching the bath to before dinner might help. [​IMG]
  4. Heather C

    Heather C Well-Known Member

    i think it would help to do baths earlier,. or less frequently. maybe i could just do "wipe downs" part of the time. i didn't want to be a slacker, but it probably dries out their skin anyway to bathe too much huh? [​IMG]
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    but it probably dries out their skin anyway to bathe too much huh? [​IMG]

    That is why I do it every other night. My twins' skin seems dry with that too, but we just put lotion on them. You won't be a slacker if you don't do it every night, don't worry about that.
  6. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    We do bathes twice a week.. very dry skin here but nightly wipe downs. I try my hardest to have dinner on the table at 6 pm. I do cereal at lunch mostly, they need my full attention then. We're vegetarians so meals are fairly quick, no need to cook meat!

    I get these kraft quick dinner recipes via snail mail, we've done quite a few of the recipes. From start to finish some are done in 30 mins.
  7. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    "wipe downs" part of the time

    Bird baths, I call them! [​IMG] Not slacking at all! I hope! [​IMG]
  8. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    A sponge bath is a bath!!! (Otherwise I'm a slacker too!) I do baths way before bedtime, otherwise it's pure insanity. Generally right after lunch.
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