Is she ready to PT?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I go back and forth on whether one of mine is ready to PT. My gut tells me she's not. She constantly takes her diaper off. Usually, right after she pees. Sometimes, she'll take it off and then pee on the potty. Sometimes, not. There have been a couple poop incidents. One was in the crib. She had taken her diaper off and went all over the crib. Her diaper was clean! I thought I was going to cry. The 2nd time she took off her diaper and went on her play kitchen floor. Then, brought it to me on a pot holder. Thanks! I've tried putting the potty away, but she still takes her diaper off and looks for it. I tried putting training underwear on her, but we were outside and she could have cared less. She peed and pooped in them and didn't even care. She was too busy playing. I've just been letting her go when she wants and not pushing it. Not sure if I should just go to the training underwear or continue what I'm doing. If we are going to ditch diapers, I want to do it when I have my husband around to help. I get stressed with the constant watching her, having her sit on the potty and cleaning up accidents. I couldn't imagine training both of them at the same time. I'd definitely lose my mind. I thought this was just a phase, but it's been a very long phase. I don't want to ignore it, if she is ready. What do you all think?

  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    It is hard to figure out if they are ready or not. Here is a potty training quiz that might help you decide. She is a little on the young side, but it sounds like she is showing some interest. If it were me (at her age), I would probably just continue letting her get use to the potty, but not really pushing the issue just yet.
  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    my ds was showing great potential to us, we'd take him to the toilet after naps and on waking up... he really produced great pee in the toilet. my dd never did much.

    then I decided we just needed to try the little potties during the day and do naked training... well, my ds started having accidents and quit getting the great number of stickers BUT... my dd (who I thought was way behind him in ability) just started sitting on the little potty when she needed to. within a week or two she'd even started pooping on the potty herself too.

    I just wanted to encourage you, that if you want to attempt it... its not too bad. of course we have hard floors in most of the house so I don't have to worry about carpet. Also a big thing that has helped me is to just have a spray bottle filled with Lysol in it ready to spray on the accidents and some wash cloths or towels to wipe them up.

    I wouldn't say that mine duo had many of the readiness signs when we started, but they are doing great at it. I gotta start trying to be brave and putting more clothing on them... seems when they have underwear on that really threw them and we started with more accidents...

    it depends on what you want to do... how much stress etc... if its too stressful, don't bother, try again later.
  4. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    Ditto Laura. Sounds like she is probably not ready, but there's nothing wrong with letting her experiment with the potty. When she starts not having accidents when her diaper is off, that will be a good sign! Mine liked sitting on the potties now and then before they were ready, and sometimes they'd go in them, but they'd also have lots of accidents. Once they could go diaper free for a little while and not stand there and randomly pee while playing with Legos, we started thinking more seriously about PTing. :D
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