Is it too early to potty train?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christencameron, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. christencameron

    christencameron Well-Known Member

    DS just turned 2 last month and I'm trying to start potty training. A lot of people I've talked to think I'm crazy! They keep saying that I'll never get a 2-year old boy potty trained. But I've only been working on it for a couple of days and not really trying too hard. I just keep offering for him to sit on the potty a couple of times a day. I think he's doing pretty good so far, he probably actually produces something (#1 or #2) at least 70% of the time. He's also told me twice that he needed to poop - and then he actually did when I put him on the potty!! I'm excited that he's doing this well.

    I really would like him potty trained before our girls are born. What do you guys think? Is it too early? Anyone have any luck with a boy this early?

    TIA for all your input and advice!

  2. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    You are doing a great job!! both of my older boys were potty trained at 20 months! It is doable. Just keep putting him on the potty like you are!

    Good job Momma!

  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Hogwash. Plug your ears and sing LA, LA, LA! T&T were "naked trained" by their own doing before age 2 and in undies before 2.5 without any real push from me. Heck, we might be in undies at night by 3. When they're ready, they're ready.
  4. sellet04

    sellet04 Well-Known Member

    You are definitely not doing it too early. My boys are 2 and we are doing pretty good at potty training. They will even go to the potty when we are not home now!
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    good luck! at 27 mos the only thing the potty is good for for DS is playing with his winky cuz he's naked!
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