Is it time to separate them?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by prettybaby25, Nov 28, 2007.

  1. prettybaby25

    prettybaby25 Well-Known Member

    The boys no longer nap or go to bed at a reasonable time. They take everything from their cribs and throw it back and forth and then on the ground. WE used to go in and give it back to them until we had to do it about 12 times a night before they would go asleep.

    WE have started just letting them cry it out (They are 2 1/2 yrs old) but they cry for HOURS and still don't fall asleep. I also have a 1 month old and I am at the end of my rope.

    They are still in cribs so they can't get out and play but they jump and bounce in their cribs once they throw everything out. We tried puttting one child in the babies crib and they still threw everything out and cried for hours.

    What is the solution? Keep letting them cry and finally they will get it? We thought it would take 3 days (all the books say this) but we are going on 7 days now. Or should we just give them separate rooms?

    HELP - no one is sleeping and everyone is crying - including me!!
  2. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    Can you seperate them? We seperate them for naps, bed time they are still together. but naps were way too fun to sleep so one sleeps in our bed and the other in their room. We take turns if needed on who sleeps where. Another option I have heard is staggering bed times. We have tried that on day that they both decide they want to sleep in my bed and will not have it anyother way. I have one that falls asleep really fast and then the other can go in and lay down. But it seems that they need the break to be able to calm down. otherwise it is just more play time.

    Good luck.

    You may need to adjust the timing? Maybe they are either not tired enough or maybe too tired to calm down??
  3. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Em, what times are they sleeping?

    I would put them in their cribs (maybe crib tents?) for 1 hr. in the afternoon and let them do what they want. Just leave them there for an hour. Then Put them to bed a little earlier. Sounds like they might be getting into that frenzied over tired state and also maybe reacting to the new baby!

    :hug99: Good luck!! I hope you get it worked out!!

    ps. did I miss a birth announcement? I want info and pictures please! :D

    If you can separate, might not be a bad idea! I'm getting ready to! They are having too much of a party in there!!! :blbl: Drives me crazy!
  4. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    We went to crib tents due to climbing out, and a great side effect was that it ended the "Throw everything out of the crib" nonsense. I don't know if you would want to bother with crib tents, but it did stop that. Now they have moved on to "put the dolls clothes back on" which I do one time only, and then that's it. I told them that Mommy and Daddy need to sleep to, so they can't scream and cry, and I think they might have bought that. They still party, but at least they aren't crying.
  5. kristie75

    kristie75 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like separating them is the answer. My girls were disturbing each other and getting each other worked up for months before we finally had enough and put them in separate rooms. This allowed us to do CIO with the one who needed it (who also got a crib tent for climbing out of the crib), and it allowed the other one to finally be able to sleep undisturbed. They sleep sooo much better now. It was the best thing we ever did.
  6. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cricket1 @ Nov 28 2007, 11:46 PM) [snapback]512990[/snapback]
    We seperate them for naps, bed time they are still together. but naps were way too fun to sleep so one sleeps in our bed and the other in their room.

    Ditto. I got the idea from melissao, who also separated hers at nap time. We set up a pack-n-play in the spare bedroom. I was surpised to find that Coleman sleeps in there no problem. We went from no naps to solid, 2 hour marathon naps after this. They still sleep in the same room at night.

    In terms of throwing stuff out of the cribs, I think the only way to handle it is to tell them: "If you throw your bear out of the crib, I will not put it back" and then stick to it. They will likely cry and throw fits, but they'll get over it. We went through that phase too and it was basically a ploy to get us back in the room and give them attention.

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