Is it safe to

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ames4, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. ames4

    ames4 Well-Known Member

    put a 4yr old and almost 3yr old girls into in bunk beds? My oldest DD saw a pictureof a bunk bed and think it looks so cool. We have decided to put the two girls together, after a disaster of changing the twins to big kid beds. We are hoping this is the best solution. If you have any thoughts I would love to hear them. For those that seperated your twins was it hard on them?
  2. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    Im pretty sure there is a rule or something that says you shouldnt put a child on the top bunk of a bunkbed until the age of 6. . ??

    I have bunkbeds but no one sleeps on top. Im waiting for my 5 year old to turn 6, and then see if he is willing to sleep up there. He is kind of a wild sleeper, so even with the guard I'd be afraid for him.

    Also, even if you think your girls are ready because they saw a picture.. it is very different when you actually get on the top bunk of bunkbeds. You might need to take them to the store and see how they feel climbing and sitting/laying up there.
  3. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My boys used one at their grandparents' house at barely 3 and it scared the heck out of me. They are amazing climbers and have no issues with heights but the thought of them using a ladder in the dark and when they're half-awake didn't sit right with me. They do occasionally get up to get a drink or go pee. So, it's tolerable for me as an occasional thing but not until they're older for everyday use.

    FWIW, there are lots of bunk beds that can be used as two singles initially and then you stack and bolt them when you're ready.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Bunk bed manufacturers recommend waiting until kids are at least 6. That said, my best friend's son has been in a bunk bed since he was 3 and he's never had a problem. He actually has a slide and a ladder, so in the middle of the night he slides down rather than climbs down the ladder.
  5. Mum2TwinBoys

    Mum2TwinBoys Well-Known Member

    My boys were not quite 4 when we got their bunk beds, my "oldest" sleeps on top. My daughter is a wild sleeper in her toddler bed so while we were thinking of building her a loft it will have to wait until she sleeps more still.
  6. Meximeli

    Meximeli Well-Known Member

  7. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    I personally wouldn't, but our old neighbors built a 3 level bunk bed and had their 5, 3, and 2(if that old) in one. They all survived, so I suppose it can be done!
  8. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    If I could afford them, I'd have them. My mom has mentioned getting them for their 4th birthday and I think it is a great idea. My DD is very coordinated and I don't think she would have any problems climbing up and down when there is some light. As for when it is dark, they don't get out of their toddler beds now, so I don't foresee a problem. Instead they just stay in bed and call for us. They know they aren't allowed to get out of bed at nap and bed time until they wake up after their nap or in the morning.

    I slept in one starting when I was 5 and it didn't even have railings. I actually did fall out a few times! But, now they all have railings and I don't think kids can just roll out.

    I also love the idea of two twin beds that you can bunk or un-bunk. That is what I had as a kid and I slept in it after we took them apart until I moved out after college. It was wonderfully versatile and I think it would work great for my b/g twins. We have very limited space and can't fit anything larger than two toddler beds in their room right now so a bunk-bed would solve that. But, I hate to buy a bed now when my kids are eventually going to have to be split up and we would have to buy another. So, one of the convertible ones is perfect!
  9. ames4

    ames4 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info, I did not know about the recommended age. We will definitely hold off until they are older.

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