is it normal ...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by traci.finley, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    I think we may be in the phase of gradually going to one nap ... but I know they aren't ready yet as they take 2 good naps and are really ready for their naps. However, it puts us putting them to bed around 8:30 and they are in a habit of chit chatting (not fussing) for an hour or more every night. Is this normal? Should I start waking them in the AM (they are sleeping until 8 or 8:30) so that their naps are earlier and then put them to bed earlier? I feel like, with my girls, it never pays to wake them up (grumpy!!!) and they enjoy hanging in their cribs for a bit before getting up in the AM ... I am OK with the schedule except the going to sleep so late at night and then still being a little fussy in the AM. If it is normal then OK ... but if not, then I guess I need to start trying something else? What do you think?
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I would put them down earlier at night, to account for that hour of chatting. It might result in them waking a little bit earlier, and you can adjust their schedule from there.

    Or, do you think they are napping too late in the afternoon?

    If it were me, I would never wake them up in the morning. Definitely let them make the call in that area.
  3. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    Mine are big chatters. No matter what time they go down, or how tired they are, they chat. They just turned 3 and a normal night is 1-2 hours of discussion before they nod off. The chatting seems to be their special time. Sometimes I feel guilty because it seems like they spend so much time in their cribs, but they are totally happy. I am amazed at the conversations I hear over the monitor -- totally different from normal conversations. I would not worry if they are not complaining. Just as an FYI, we transitioned to 1 nap around 16 months.
  4. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    We went to one nap around 20mos. They're big on chatting before they fall asleep - have been since before they could talk. It's great to listen in. As long as they are keeping the volume down and staying in their beds, I don't worry about it.

    We went for a couple of months of alternating. One day we'd have one nap and the next day they were so tired, they'd need two, then one, then two. About drove me nuts. lol
  5. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Ours do the same at nap,laugh,jump up and down in their cribs. They sleep across from each other so, they love to stand up and play until they get sleepy. For the past 3 days they haven't taken a morning nap but, I have made them stay in their cribs for an hour though. THey just laughed and talked to each other.
    I wouldn't wake them in the morning! I would start puting them in their cribs at night at 7-7:30.What's you sched like during the day for them?

    Take Care!
  6. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    I would also try to put them down earlier. That said, mine chat for up to an hour no matter when we put them down (unless they are truly exhausted). But at 12-18 months, they weren't quite as persistent about it.

    I also would not wake them in the morning. I only do that if I'm going to be late for work. Fortunately mine have always been early wakers, because if I had to wake them up every morning, it would be U.G.L.Y.
  7. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    Ours talk, laugh, bounce and make monkey noises before the go to bed.
    but they are quiet and happy and i am getting to get things done so i think
    of it as a perk of having twins!
  8. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Traci, how long do they sleep for each nap?

    We just finished a looooong transition from two naps to one, with a lot of false starts. But, they're finally on a solid 2.5-hour nap every afternoon, plus 12 hours at night. If I let the nap stretch to 3 hours, then they won't want to go to bed at night, or they'll wake up too early the next morning.

    So, I have to keep them at 14.5 hours, total. Maybe yours are starting to transition, also? It took us all summer to get to this point!
  9. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    Mine are big chatters. I think it is pretty cute. Some nights it is just a few minutes, other nights it is an hour. I just let it go, and enjoy listening :D
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