Is it normal for him to be so mean!?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by rheamay, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    My soon to be 3 yo (in sept) just seem so mean to his brothers! He pushes them, pokes them, sits on them. Today I heard Nathan making a wierd sound and I came in to find Anthony jumping on his back with his knees! :icon_eek: If his brother is playing nicely with something, he snatches it away or pushes his bro out of the way so he can play. I am at my wits end. Is this normal sibling behaivour?! I am afraid he is going to hurt a brother. He is always sent strait to time out when I catch him being mean (we are trying the 1,2,3, magic). And there is throws the biggest tantrums! Holy cow! This little boy can scream and slam doors with the best of them!!

    I'm just wondering if it sounds normal. This is the first time I've had to deal with siblings so I don't know if they all act like this or just my little gem :blink:
  2. Mommy Rash

    Mommy Rash Well-Known Member

    OMG I know!! I'm going through the same thing! DS won't be 3 till Jan so I call it terrible twos but he is horrible! The twins are learning to walk still and they will get their balance and oldest runs up to them just close enough that they fall over! He pushs, pulls, strangles (he was trying to play) and it drives me nuts some days! Others I just ingore it untill he hurts some one enough to make them cry! Some days the boys like the attention and like wrestling with big bubba!
    Sorry I wasn't much help just know that your not alone!!
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    My almost 3 year olds cannot be left alone near the baby either! They do not understand "gentle" and oftentimes try to attack her! I think it's pretty normal, but still makes me crazy!
  4. Melis

    Melis Well-Known Member

    I could not leave my dd alone with the girls for about 9 months. I trust her alittle more now. But she is mean to them sometimes. I actually talked to a phychologist about it, I wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong. He said totally normal, they are jealous. These two little beings have totally disrupted there world. Sorry not much help just wanted you to know you are not alone!
  5. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Thank you. I'm just glad that it sounds normal. I was worried that something terrible was happening with my sweet angel boy!
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