So the girls are almost 14 months old (13 months adjusted) and still have not started walking. Oh do they crawl and they walk along furniture and other items in our home. But have yet to start actually taking their first shaky steps by themselves. Anyone else have little ones around this age that are just being stubborn when it comes to certain mile stones? Its so frustrating!!! They do everything else normal for their age its just walking they aren't wanting to do yet. Not to mention that one of our twins is a little more stubborn than the other. Anyone have issues with that as well? I know they will start eventually im just hoping soon since we are pregnant with our fourth child (due 12-30-12) so i really want the girls to start walking so i dont have to worry about carrying three little ones instead of just one little one lol.
Hey Jess, well as you know my little girls are being just as stubborn as yours... Sierra is cruising along furniture really well but when it comes to letting go, she "leaps" to where she wants to be instead of taking the step. She will walk happily when you are holding her hand(s) but as soon as you let go, she will stand for a second by herself but then drop to her knees. She's started getting up on her feet from the floor now and stands for a little while without holding onto anything but then drops onto her bottom again. Liara has been having physio for her little delays and we've been working on her cruising and physio definitely helps. Liara is definitely the more stubborn one, for sure! Her physio suggested we use something that they can push to help them along towards walking and we have a few things like that but they're not really interested unless it's pushing one another on a ride on toy! I was at playgroup the other day and there were 11month old twins who were walking and I was like "hurry up girls, catch up!" LOL.... so yeah I'm a little impatient too for them to start walking! They're both climbing the stairs really well and Sierra even wants to "walk" it just like an adult which looks so funny!. They also both like doing handstands and walking like wheelbarrows so they're definitely adventurous just not ready to take that first step yet. All in good time, I suppose. You know my older DD didn't walk till she was 14months but she was a great talker and so are these two so I'm thinking they're putting all their energy into that and I remember at the time thinking, she's never going to walk but of course she did....
My DS did not start walking until he was 14 months old. Did not start crawling until he was 10-11 months old. I say hang in there, they will do it! I felt bad for my DS because my DD had been walking by the time she was 10 months old and he would just watch her stunned as she zoomed from room to room.
My girls also didn't start walking until 14 months. Anything up to 18 months is considered to be within normal range (I know, not what you're wanting to hear! ). Even if they aren't walking by the time the new babe arrives, you won't have to wait long. Use not-wanting-to-carry-three-to-the-car as an excuse to stay in bed with the baby a bit longer.
I am sure they will start walking when they are ready, they sounds almost ready to walk from what you are describing. I am warning you though - chasing 2 toddlers in 2 different directions at once is challenging to say the least , so enjoy these last few weeks when they are "just crawling". Mine are so competitive, they started walking on the same day when they were 12 months and 3 weeks. Max started walking in the morning and my parents were cheering him, and they were so excited to see him walk, so Vanessa started walking 2 hours later .
Jazz walked early at 10 months, but due to health issues Jess didn't walk till 16 months. I highly suggest squeaky shoes
Yep, this is what I was going to say. I think it's fewer than half of children walk by the time they're 12/13 months (that's what I learnt when training anyway). They will get there. None of my twins were walking before 17 months (that is properly walking, where they would walk more often than crawling. We had a few wobbly steps before then) and Eleanor was about 15/16 months too (can't remember exactly).
My oldest son was 13 months, my oldest daughter was 15 months, my twin son was 11 months and my twin daughter was 13 months. As someone said, it's normal up to about 18 months or so. Remember, someone has to make up the statistics of "normal", not all kids will fall in the mid range
Mine were 15 mos. They pushed their push toys, walked around tables, etc but it took them until then to gain the courage to let go. I didn't rush it AT ALL. Once they start, they don;t stop! haha
thank you ALL for the wonderful support. Now im not so worried. Our son walked one week after he turned one so i was hoping thats what they would do but nope lol. To be honest i think they are just being stubborn litter butts lol. And i was thinking about getting squeaky shoes we did with our son and that did seem to help =) lukily they have toys that promote walking that they do push around and they both do hand stands which is hillarious to watch only one will stand with out holding on to anything but after a few seconds plops down on to her bottom but i get excited while she is standing and cheer for her so she keeps trying to do it my other little one was watching and i think realized that in order to get mommy to cheer like she wants she will have to stand alone as well cause shortly after that she started to stand as well its just getting that first step. I know it will happen in time and im super glad to know that its normal =) my sister has a 8 month old who she is trying to get to walk right now cause thats when all of her kids (according to her) started walking. But i did read its not good on little ones legs to start them earlier than they are ready or to try and get them ready soon than their bodies are so we are not pushing it but just trying to help them along =) again thank you for all the support. would love to hear more stories of how your little one started walking.
haha this is what i am hoping for is that one will be less stubborn and start and the other one will wan to follow suit. But ya just never know just because they are twins doesn't mean that they are the same. =)
Easton could be their triplet brother. He is not walking either - he crawls all over the place, walks along the furniture but won't walk either!! I figure that as long as they can stand and are at least getting around somehow that they are ok!
My oldest walked at 15 months. 4 of my others walked within a couple weeks of their first birthdays. And Sabrina walked after 17 months. But she is legally blind, so that may have been part of the issue. I don't think you have anything to worry about. I wouldn't push an 8 month old to walk. Crawling and belly scooting time is vital to brain development and not getting enough can be a source of learning problems later.
I have been wondering about my boys. The doctor told me at their last visit they had until their next visit at 18 mo before we considered more evaluation and physical therapy. The boys crawl like crazy, cruise around furniture, and like to rearrange furniture too (push kitchen chairs, bar stools, ottomans all over the house). They just seem to have no desire to walk. They haven't been near as verbal as my first wo either. I thought my first two were late walkers at 13 and 14 months, but these guys are almost 16 months!