is it good to have steroids injection

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by chmtheo, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. chmtheo

    chmtheo Member

    hi there my name is nikolina and i have this dilema.iam nearly 32weeks twin preggy and my cervix is 1cm .here is the issue shall i have the steroid injectiojust in case of premature labor for the babies lungs to mature more.similar thoughts will be of great help

    kisses nicolina :huh: :huh: :nea:
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    I had the steroid shots and I strongly believe it made a difference in the development of my girls lungs. Its not going to hurt if you do get them and dont end up delivering prematurely. Good Luck!!
  3. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member


    The steroid injections are very helpful for your babies' lung development if you're at risk for pre-term labor. Is your doctor recommending them? I know many women remain pregnant for weeks with a cervix measuring 1 cm; do you have other risk factors for pre-term labor?
  4. mommyto8

    mommyto8 Well-Known Member

    Yup.. if your cervix is that thin.. I would take the steriods in a heartbeat.. the more developed those babies lungs are the better they will do once they are here.

    I will also 2nd the fact that it won't hurt anything to have them even if you go full term.. with my last baby I had preterm labor start at 26 weeks.. I got steroid shots at this point and ended up having to force her out at 39 weeks.. she was perfectly fine.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had them and I truly believe they helped my babies tremendously!
  6. babydrivers

    babydrivers Well-Known Member

    The steroid shots can make a HUGE difference....If you're at risk for preterm labor, get the shots. Their effectiveness last for approx. 4 weeks. I had them at 24 weeks and will probably have another round at the 28-30 week mark, depending on how these babies are doing...
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