Hi, I have 8 month old b/g twins just starting to crawl and I was just reading through some posts about this age group and I was wondering if it is more fun (than frustrating) to watch your two little ones running around and generally making havoc and being silly. I understand (as I have a 2.5 yr old dd also) the trials that come with toddlers, but does it warm your heart to watch two little guys, or do you find that you are so busy and have such chaos that it is hard to enjoy the fact that you have twins? I know that with one it was just so fun watching her grow and become a little person, yet also difficult at times, so I guess what I am asking is this, is it that much more fun with two or double the trouble? Probably a stupid question but I would like a little future perspective. Thanks!
A little of both! I love watching them both develop their skills at different times and watching their different personalities form. I love when they are so excited to see each other, and give each other big hugs, or paci's when the other is crying. And how they play peek-a-boo and share toys. And that they always have someone to help entertain them. And sometimes gives them courage to go and do what they wouldn't have done otherwise. On the other hand, they have to fight over almost anything. Toys, mom's lap, the slide, coats, shoes, etc. But I truly think the good and the fun way out weigh the bad! You have lots to look forward to!
Exactly what Heather said. It is the most fun, most challenging time, but the love and the laughs outweigh the hard times. I love the age my twins are right now. And even if you have two of the same thing or toy, they will still fight over who gets what one. And then want to fight over them all over again once you think you have it sorted out. But when one is really upset, a lot of times the other will try to help her feel better. It just makes your heart melt. And my almost 4 year old is a little helper - she loves the babies so much!
Thanks for the replies, I am so excited and it just tickles me to know that I will have two little heads floating around me, hanging on my legs and running after each other. They already take such great notice of each other now, I am excited to see how they get along when they can do more for and with each other. I just think we are so lucky to have the opportunity to observe two little ones growing up together and in my case it is so much fun that they are boy and girl also, I really see them changing in such different ways. Just thought I would take a moment to stand in awe of twins. Thanks again
Both, sometimes I have to remind myself to stop and enjoy it. But it is alot of fun to see/hear the running and giggling. (Eventhough we do not run in the house!) But giggles and playing swithches back and forth with tears and frustration. However, as much as they can annoy each other (like any sibs and if you have them you can understand) they are not apart for long when they start to look for the other and want to know what each other is doing. Mine sing constantly so it is really fun to hear the songs they make up together! But for me the best is (especially the first time you hear it) when they (unprovoked) tell each other they are their "best" friend! this of course is a sword though! When they get mad they will tell each other they are not their best friend(we then have a talk on being mean but this is another issue) and they can not go to each others base ball game! Oh what is important to three year olds! It goes soo very fast. I can not believe they are going to be four! Try not to get caught up in what comes next and enjoy where they are (as difficult as it can be some days!)
I LOVED when my two were BOTH crawling. I found it not only entertaining to watch them but it was sooooo nice to not have to pick them up and bring them to this room or that room or to have to run over when they were crying hysterically because they couldn't reach a toy they wanted. Our house was ready for crawlers (everything childproofed) so there was really nothing to be nervous about. Walking was very exciting too but came with a lot more worry and falls but I have loved EVERYTHING about them since they started crawling and I'm really enjoying being a sahm and watching them learn and grow every single day.
The thing that I love most about this age and twins, is that they are really discovering EACH OTHER! They talk to each other and try and engage the other in conversation. They ask if the other wants to play toys together. They are really good buddies. Yes, there are frustrating moments, but I have to say that there are lots of rewards!
I mostly enjoy the heck out of it (except the sleep problems that cropped up after transition, but that's a WHOLE other Oprah!) I never "worried" about them learning to walk or crawl. People would say "now you're in trouble" but I never saw it that way at all!!! Mine run through my house constantly. I have a long hall from the front of the house to the back of the house and it's basically a runway. I don't mind it.
Yes, they are so freaking cute right now! I love hearing them talk, watching them play, seeing them run up and down the hall.
I have LOVED the 2yo stage....seriously. Yes, there have been lots of "moments" but with alot of work and diligence, we have survived! I love watching them chase eachother around, give hugs and kisses, and when the "worry" about the other (like asking where the other one is, and if they are crying, asking what the matter is) Also watching them share - like yesterday, we were in Costco, enjoying the samples...my dd ran out of popcorn and was asking for more. While I was explaining that she only got one cup of popcorn to try, my ds, on his own starts putting his remaining popcorn in her cup! She looks down and says "Oh, thank you McAuley!!" Moments like that make me so happy! I also love the "I love you & thank you circles" that transpire when we are in the van, driving somewhere, or just around the house (starts off with one of them saying "I love you, Mommy"....or "thank you, Daddy!" and then they thank each one in the family, with that person saying "Your Welcome"...over and over and over...so funny!) Ya, they have their fights...now it's usually over the fact that McAuley really likes hugging feet and will latch onto his sister's legs and take her down...but they give each other sweet kisses at night and ask about each other 1st thing in the morning. I am truly blessed!
I love seeing them crawl all over, and every new thing they do is sooo exciting to me--I might have a slightly different perspective than the other responders so far because the girls are behind, not walking yet, and no traditional crawling--so truly EVERYTHING new they do is thrilling! Their interactions are cute cute cute, even when one is up an hour early trying to talk to the other and wake her up. I think when they finally do start walking that it will be as exciting as everything else has been and I will be happy to chase them around the house.