Is he behind or is he ahead?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by [email protected], Aug 22, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    First of all I am the biggest worry wort and I know you shouldn't compare your kids to others, but it is hard not to. My best friend has a 23 mo. old DS and my DS is 21 mo. I feel like her 23 mo. old looks and acts way older than he is, but now I am wondering if maybe he is right on target and mine is behind. I am just looking for your opinions to help answer my ?'s!

    I posted a few days ago about my DS speech and pretty much all the replies said that he sounded o.k. So I will just tell you about my friend's 23 mo. old and see what you think as far as if he is ahead and my son is just fine? I also know that there is a 2 mo. difference but it seems that once my DS gets to the age that his friend was that he still isn't doing what he did 2 mo. prior. Hope that isn't confusing.

    The 23 mo. old repeats almost every last word of a sentence that I say. He looks at books and says what he sees, he is patient and doesn't play rough like my DS. He listens to songs I sing and books I read (ask him ?'s about it). My DS ignores me alot and plays like he doesn't hear me when I know he does. He listens when you tell him about colors, shapes and #'s and my DS again just doesn't seem interested. Also my DS seems quite aggressive when he plays, such as I suppose boys do (I don't know though). I do know that my DS understands me because he does everthing you ask him, of course when he wants.

    Also if anyone has any ideas on how to get my DS to QUIT SHUTTING DOORS, I would greatly appreciate it. Tried time-outs, door knob covers and nothing works.

    Thanks to all for looking and your responses. Just basically wanting to know your opinions.
  2. Lilpark

    Lilpark Well-Known Member

    IF you are at all worried you could ease your mind by having them evaluated by easter seals. They do that in my area (Illinois) for free and you know exactly where your child places in all categories. Just a suggestion. To me he sounds like a normal 2 year old.
  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    I definitely think you should ask your pedi about it when you are concerned. Do you have a 2 year appt coming up?

    And as far as shutting doors, well I haven't figured out the cure for that either yet... but I think if I remember correctly being 3 does help it a little. ;)
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I know that at that age 2 mos. makes a BIG difference in how they act etc. The 23 mos. old might be at the top target for those skills etc., but I wouldn't worry yet!

    Also, try door stoppers for the doors. (Till he figures out that he can take those out at least!)
  5. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    When you describe your friend's son and your son, you are describing my twin boys -- Jackson sounds like your friend's son and Ethan sounds like your son. If you are concerned, you can talk to your pedi or get an eval done on him. At 30.5 months, I finally had Ethan evaluated and all came back fine. He wasn't speaking much at 30 months (now at 3 he doesn't stop talking), is rough and LOVES doors. Makes me nuts and I'm still trying to figure out how to handle it.

  6. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I think they just have different personalities. The things you are describing aren't so much "milestones" at that age but just their temperments.

    With the doors, put a towel or something else over them so he can't shut it all the way. My girls were still bad about that at age 3 and it was one of our 4 house rules for a long time. Life was much easier if I just didn't give them the opportunity to slam the doors shut and risk smashing someone else's finger.
  7. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    we have safety first door dohickies, which is a thick foam c-shape that you hook onto the door. when the door closes, it catches the foam and won't go all the way. it's called a finger saver or something like that, but i can't find it online. we got it at BRU and i have seen them at walmart....

    ETA: Ha! found it!
  8. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    My two boys were different like that. One was interested in learning and copying things, and the other just wanted to do his own thing. They weren't twins, but their development was quite different, hitting all their milestones at different ages from each other.
  9. Disney747

    Disney747 Well-Known Member

    My twins are the same way. One loves to learn and ask questions the other is the 'rough and tought' little guy. I wouldn't worry yet. I would ask at his 2 yr check up and if you are still concerned have on EI eval done on him

    As for the doors, we did use the c-shaped thing but the best was a towel over the door. I could move it to any door and had an endless supply of them for free.I still have to get a towel out when they are goofing of and not following the rules.

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