Is anyone waiting to be surprised with genders?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Angelsamb, Mar 11, 2009.

  1. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I've met only 1 more person in the forums who is waiting to find out their twin's genders. Is there anyone else out there?

    I know so many of you did find out. What were your reasons for finding out? Just wondering...
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I'm curious by nature ;) Plus with two coming I wanted the right color of things. :pardon: I would have found out even if it was one because I'm not a fan of neutral colored clothing. :blush:
  3. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    I waited! DH and I really did want the big "surprise" at the end of the pregnancy. :)

    I preferred the gender neutral big items anyway in case we had more kiddos. And I found that people didn't buy so much clothing before the girls were born and instead waited until we had them.

    And fwiw, I was convinced I was most likely having two boys or at most, a boy and a yeah....not so much!
  4. room4moooore

    room4moooore Well-Known Member

    We didn't find out with our first set but did find out with our second set. Waiting is much more fun, but our second set was enough of a surprise for us, plus they were babies #8 &9 so I felt like I didn't have the luxury of not being totally prepared.
  5. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I didn't find out with my older two kids and had this been another singleton we would have waited until the birth. I'm actually a little disappointed that I won't get the big surprise at the end. However, DH and I just felt that we needed to be fully prepared this time. It also made sense from a practical perspective. Knowing that I'm having two boys, I was able to sell all of my baby girl stuff to fund the stuff we need for the boys. I'm also sewing some baby stuff this time around and know the genders made it easier to choose patterns and fabrics.
  6. JenCE

    JenCE Active Member

    [SIZE=10pt]I am 32 weeks pregnant and we are keeping their genders a surprise. We have a 2 year old and she was also a surprise. We had fertility issues and had many miscarriages so we are just happy to have babies. :D

    We are patients at the highrisk unit and so have MANY ultrasounds one of the techs told us that it is actually become in fashion to not know a baby's gender. But she also said that this is not the case with multiples. She had never encountered a twin pregnancy that didn't want to know.

    I guess we are into the whole surprise thing... Our extended families don't know that we're having twins! Only my parents, the in-laws and the sisters know. Won't they be surprised :shok:

    Glad to know that there are others in the same boat!
  7. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JenCE @ Mar 11 2009, 10:37 PM) [snapback]1224568[/snapback]
    [SIZE=10pt]I am 32 weeks pregnant and we are keeping their genders a surprise. We have a 2 year old and she was also a surprise. We had fertility issues and had many miscarriages so we are just happy to have babies. :D

    We are patients at the highrisk unit and so have MANY ultrasounds one of the techs told us that it is actually become in fashion to not know a baby's gender. But she also said that this is not the case with multiples. She had never encountered a twin pregnancy that didn't want to know.

    I guess we are into the whole surprise thing... Our extended families don't know that we're having twins! Only my parents, the in-laws and the sisters know. Won't they be surprised :shok:

    Glad to know that there are others in the same boat!

    I just had to add.. that our parents didnt want to know the Gender of me and my twin sis.. and wanted it to be a surprise at birth, but us being 16 weeks premmie was a surprise enough. But yes, they left it a surprise too :)
  8. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I'm way too impatient and too much of a planner to have waited till I was on the delivery table! I had a gut feeling the entire first 21 weeks (we didn't find out genders till the 21 week u/s) that it was b/g and I was right!
  9. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    I am just about at the 20 week mark and my husband and i are not finding out the sex of the babies! My mom put it best when she said there are so few true suprises in life wouldnt this be a great one...and i agreed...I will say that i am having a hard time with gender neutral crib sets! Oh well!!
  10. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    I didn't find out and have no regrets. You get so many identical clothing for presents anyway when they're born. I probably would have had WAY too much if I found out in advance.
  11. trishj

    trishj Member

    We didn't find out!! I am not good with surprises! I think I have only had one actual surprise and that was when I got engaged! So my Hubby says this will more than make up for all of the surprises I missed out on! I cannot wait to meet them!!!
  12. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    DH & I both are planners by nature, he more so than me though. But we really wanted to be prepared because there were two and we were told they were fratenral, so we had that one boy one girl chance!!!! Turned out we were having a boy & a girl, so now I feel like we are prepared....well almost!
  13. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    When I went in for my first u/s at 19 weeks, I told DH (who was away on a trip) that I didn't want to know the sex of the baby. I jokingly added, of course unless it's multiples! Imagine his surprise when I called to tell him I knew the sex! :) I wanted to know because I am a planner and already felt like things were too crazy with more than one in there! It was one thing I had control over. You know looking back at it, with all the u/s I then had, I'm sure someone would have slipped up and told us the sexes!
  14. RachelJoy

    RachelJoy Well-Known Member

    DH and I wanted to be surprised. Of course the first surprise at the first ultrasound (17 weeks in) was that we were having twins. We then got sent to a peri, and the ultrasound tech there just blurted out "well this one's a boy" without asking if I wanted to know. I got upset and she said "well then I won't tell you what the other one is". Of course once I knew one I had to know the other. We were so thrilled at having a boy and a girl that it lessened my annoyance at having the tech be so unprofessional (isn't that the first thing they teach you in ultrasound school?)

    I think it would have been so much much fun to be surprised by gender at birth!

  15. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    We did not find out the gender of our first and it was such a hoot in the delivery room to finally find out it was a girl. When we found out we were pg with twins, I wanted the double surprise at delivery. Baby A was born and was a girl. I had to wait another whole hour and a half to see who else was in there - it was her sister! It's amazing how many of our friends and family were annoyed that we didn't want to know. I can't imagine wanting to know no matter how many there are. :D
  16. hot2trottt4u

    hot2trottt4u Well-Known Member

    I wanted to know right away. if i could have found out as soon as we new we were pregnant i would have found out :)
  17. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    I wanted to know the moment we found out we were pregnant. I have known with all my children, I am just not one that can wait for it in the delivery room. I want gender specific things waiting at home for them. Plus with it being twins I knew things could get crazy at any moment so I wanted to be prepared. We had all our sons clothes he has grown out of in the closet and now that we know they are girls we know to pass those on and have already started getting all the little girly hand-me downs....good thing or our little girls would have been dressed in brother's clothing for awhile!! LOL

    I was a bit surprised yesterday b/c we had a different tech and when she started the u/s she looked a little bit and then said, "Are they both girls?" I thought to myself, "good thing we already knew" b/c she never asked if we knew or wanted to know. However, she may have looked at the previous u/s pics that showed our girly parts lableled :)
  18. scrappycindy

    scrappycindy Well-Known Member

    At first we didn't want to know, but as we started thinking about names and all the stuff we should buy ahead, we decided to find out. Part of me is kinda bummed, but I'm glad we found out... we can now name our children at birth and they won't have to wear yellow and green for the first 6 months! We're having 2 little girls... but I keep in the back of my mind, that Ultrasounds can always be wrong...! :)
  19. IcelandGA

    IcelandGA Active Member

    I am almost 35 weeks and we have waited to find out as well. And although I was not onboard at first (was my hubby's idea), I am so glad we waited! It will be such a wonderful bonus/surprise, I think. People tell me even the doctors and nurses get into it! Once I made the decision, I have not thought about it again but as we get closer I am getting more curious. People have had fun speculating and venturing their opinions which has been interesting, too. Another bonus is that people have not overloaded us with clothing (which is always more fun to buy, I know) and we've gotten lots of the practical essentials we hoped to get. Congratulations and good luck to you!
  20. sunsmommy

    sunsmommy Member

    We waited to find out and it is AWESOME! Everybody in my family wanted boys soooo bad. There are no boys in my immediate family. My mother wanted grandsons sooooo bad. Everyone was FREAKING out cause My husband and I wouldn't find out til delivery... I stuck to my guns. The doctors and the ultrasound techs all thought we were nuts... But I tell you there is nothing like that moment when the doctor yells, Its a boy and Another BOY! It was fabulous!

    That phone call to my mother was the most fun phone call ever! Well then again telling her it was twins was pretty awesome too! :D
  21. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I was pregnant our oldest DD we had planned to not fine out the sex of the baby. And we had our 20w u/s and we did not find out. :) But by 30w it was killing me, I just had to know. I had my suspicions and told DH if I had another u/s (which I knew I would not have another one) I wanted to find out and he agreed. Well a few weeks later my OB ordered another one for me since I was measuring so big with her and she wanted to be sure the EDD was correct. So I found out at 33w that it was a girl! I was so happy I found out and for me it did not take any surprise away at her birth. :)

    With the twins, we both just said we wanted to find out. Plus our oldest DD, she was 5 then, wanted to find out too. :)
  22. roadtocalvary

    roadtocalvary Well-Known Member

    To be honest we only were surprised with one of our children and that was the first one. I actually hated all the gender neutral stuff we received and then on top of that people bought us tons of boy clothes that we ended up giving away because it was a girl. I am a huge planner by nature I want it all planned out in advance so, with all our other children we found out. Then when we found out we were having twins we knew we were for sure finding out. Especially since our youngest is only 18 months and if we needed to keep her clothes we would, which turns out we need to. Our church recently gave us a shower and the most beautiful car seats we have ever had with our children and such wonderful things I am glad we know because it is such sweet little girl stuff... Doesn't matter I would have known anyway, because when we had our "big" ultrasound I actually looked at the tech and said I know that one is a girl right? Then we found out we had TTTS and of course that only happens with identicals so we knew they were both girls. I mean 5 kids and this makes #6 & 7 I can tell what most of the stuff is. :p
  23. oh-baby-baby

    oh-baby-baby Well-Known Member

    I'm just very impatient....I couldn't wait to know! :lol:
  24. jbritt325

    jbritt325 Well-Known Member

    I'm the type who just *has* to know. I like to plan and pick things out and all that stuff too. Plus, now that we know we're having two boys, we have their names picked out and it makes it easy for me to bond with them. I had to get over the shock of being pregnant with twins in the beginning! lol So I figured actually finding out I was pregnant with twins was suprise enough, gotta know what combo they were!

    But anyhow.. I just had to know. Same with my daughter.

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